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Hello friends, old and new,

THIS is the DTNS Monthly Update available to all backers at the $1 a month level or more. Each month I let you know what's going on at DTNS and highlight a few awesome patrons in the audience. 


It's that busy holiday time when we start recording our holiday week specials. Those that don't know, we take a break from the news between Christmas and New Year's Day but we keep shows coming with predictions, listener cohosting and this year a retro show!

We already recorded our predictions show which may not have been such a smart idea, since one of Justin's looks like it's about to come true already. 

Also, Roger, Sarah and I sat down for luncheon Saturday and went through a little brainstorming about the show! Here's some quick bullet points from what we discussed.

- Work on a an editorial calendar to help pick great main topics for discussion. Obviously some days those discussions come from the news of the day, but we want to have more evergreen and though-provoking topics and special guests as well!

- Determiend we have three types of guests on the show. Those that can hang with the whole thing. Those that are worth having on the show but we should start with and then do top stories after their discussion, and those that need a DTNS Labs Interview segment all to themselves.

- Smooth out the transitions. We're pretty good at this but try to make the show even tighter!

- Sake up the rundown a little. The old rundown was built around me saying everything so we're balancing it out a bit more.

- Merchandise! Get Some cool new items in the DTNS store!

- CES! We're going to have a separate meeting to plan coverage but we decided to have a meetup, tentatively on Tuesday at the Level Up Lounge in the MGM Hotel. More details to come on that! (Hat tip to Mitzula for being our Vegas local with the inside info. Super helpful man!)

- Sarah has her own DTNS Labs show cooking up to premiere at the end of January and YOU will be on it. Or you could be.

Also we're putting together a year-end survey as well so keep your eyes peeled for that too!


Net loss of 4 patrons. Missed our goal but we are undaunted. So if you know four people who will plunk down $1 a month, get them in the tent! Thanks!


12/22 - December Round Table episode with Annie Gauss and other guests TBD.

12/25 - No show

12/26 - Retro show (as voted by the Advisers)

12/27 - Listener Co-Host show and quarterly update

12/28 - Predictions Results Show (How'd we do predicitng this past year)

12/29 - Predictions for 208

1/1 - No Show

1/8 - Coverage from CES

1/9 - Coverage from CES w/ guest Patrick Norton

1/10 - Coverage from CES w/ guest Shannon Morse



The wheel spins and we say thanks to  Billy Littleton, Shäz Rydstedt, Vera Schneider and everyone who continues to support the show!

The January 23rd Club

There are a number of folks who have been with us since we launched the Patreon on January 23rd, 2014. Each month we'll recognize a couple of them. This month HUGE thanks to:

Michael Marks

Bill & Brit Doran

Trey Warren

You and everyone who sticks with us are amazing.


These are all the people who are celebrating an anniversary of three years with us as of this month! Thanks for sticking with us. 

Jonathan Putney


Paul Schlatt

Chuck Carriker

Matthew de Beer


Esad Bosnic




John Vogel

Tony Hernandez

Eric Wald


Dennis Johansson

Thomas Clark

Paul Belmore

Anthony Junk

Martin Linney



Brandon Boyer

Theodore Wheeler

Mark Steadman

Jordan DeMoss

Robbie Pence

Philip Housler

Mike Buitendorp

Anthony Lemos

Alex Zevenbergen

Duane Andrews

Michael Miles

Lee Tibbetts


Edmund Ng

Matt White

Mark Olsen

Scotty Bingham

Nathan Dietrich

Sam Sheppard

Gary Ludwig

Michael Winiarz

Jason Petrilla


Mathew Abrams

Mark Thomas

Andy Vlahopoulos

Toby Howell 

Michiel Peperkamp

Luke McKean

Rob Lee

Sandy Johnstone


Scott Chapin



Annie Gauss? Yeah! wait - there are 2 S's in her name???