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In our second round table episode we dive into social media and whether Snapchat has correctly identified its future, find out what other encryption issues might haunt your privacy, check in on websites that want to use your visit to mine bitcoin, and talk through some of the implications of the net neutrality debate and why nobody is right.

With Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang, Justin Robert Young, Rich Stroffolino and Bart Busschots.




Really appreciated Bart Busschots two points about encryption. So HTTPOS or in flight encryption is one thing; and PFS (Perfect Forward Secreacy) applies along with the international and brute force concerns. While hard drive encryption; is another. Steve Gibson address both of Bart's point with the same conclusion. Although Steve added that apple could have had the individual hardware encryption key exported and encrypted in such a way that a key from Apple and the Government would be required to decrypt the key from the Apple Escrow. This way Apple couldn't alone decrypt Chinesse, Russian, or USA phones without the government of that region of the word also using their key to decrypt the iPhone encryption key.


Tom, I can't thank you enough for being a calm voice in sea of screaming that is the net neutrality debate (including the pop-up from Patreon that I had to close to read this post). So far, your show is one of the few that takes a reasoned stance on the complex topic and addresses all sides of the issue. Thank you for the hard work, and the great coverage. Keep up the great work!


ditto , Tom has always been one not to "sky is falling" about N.N. Not sure which show but at least once he stated that if it does become a problem, there are engineers that will work around it and he has also said there is no law the the present TCP/IP system setup of the Internet is the best way to go. Kuddos to Tom for not being one to automatically shutdown those he disagree with 'Net Neutrality Must Survive'. and yeah, Patreon stop annoying with popups.