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Apple may try to design more of its own parts, Japan and Korea take very different approaches to cryptocurrency and a wrap-up of Microsoft's Ignite announcements.

With Tom Merritt, Roger Chang, Paul Spain and Len Peralta.




YouTube has made no rule regarding Patreon mentions. YouTube has restricted channels with fewer than 10,000 views from linking offsite. from end frames of videos. DTNS does not use end frames and even if we did we have more than 10,000 views. This will not affect us.


I wish I could stop being surprised at how quickly misunderstandings and hysteria spread! This YouTube end frame issue is just the latest thing, but I'm really glad that there are sources like DTNS that I can count on to pause and think critically before repeating what they hear. Thanks, all.


i did not say that youtube made a rule about Patreon mentions. But there is nothing preventing them from putting in place more rules about the use of Patreon and the such. Note the question explicitly included "are you going to wait" for it to happen. Considering that GGLE has informed the investment community that YouTube is not making a profit, anything that can be done to increase payments made directly to them should be considered in play.