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So we're nearing the end of year one of Daily Tech News Show and we thought it was time to ask folks what they think. Jennie put together a survey. It has some of the normal survey kinds of questions. How old are you? How many podcasts do you listen to? What's your favorite desert? Etc. If you have time and inclination you can help us out by answering it at: http://bit.ly/DTNS-Survey This purely for mine and Jennie's edification. If you don't feel like answering a question, don't. If you don't feel like answering any of the questions don't. We'll share what we find out with the patrons (in aggregate of course). Also don't forget about the listener co-host show! ***Listener Co-Host Show! ***Dec. 11 12 Eastern/9 AM Pacific A few (probably three?) people from the audience will come on the hangout and talk tech. We’ll make the announcement for everyone next week, but here’s the scoop. If you’d like to be considered send an email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com with the Subject line “Listener Guest”. Confirm that you’ll be available at 9 AM Pacific December 11 and then tell us why you should be picked. Talk to you soon! Tom



Quiz could use more check-boxes.. I split my love depending on circumstance. General rule, I hear all your news by 6pm est. Might switch to morning after, so the news is fresh in my head, even if a day stale.


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