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Hey there, friendorinos. I noticed that I've had a huge influx of new patrons, especially 5$ tier, within just the last week. First and foremost: I'm very happy to you here, and very grateful for your support. Hopefully you won't be disappointed with the contents of my patreon, because I do post rather rarely.

But also, I'm curious what brings you here, if you'd care to share. Did my works get posted on some website that I previously neglected? Did Hagfish send y'all here, or did you come after seeing the connie animation, or sumtin' else?



Well as for me I literally JUST realized that you had a Patreon


I came here after seeing the Connie animation, it is good. I was also wondering if your thinking of creating a discord server.


Don't look at me! This is entirely your fault.


I bet was the connie animation, just like me lol


I came here after your Tumblr was dead


I... could? But to be perfectly frank, I don't much like spending time in populated chatrooms, and I probably couldn't be bothered to provide any entertainment NOR moderate it, so it would kinda just be slapping my name on an anything-goes channel and hoping that you guys don't put me in prison

CamDominus Rex

Saw a post on Reddit under rule 34

CamDominus Rex

Also I just love “realistic” proportions and you do that