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OSP Red fills in for Reginald in this months book club episode. We talk about HOBBITS


Fellowship V1 002



A wild Red appears! [I had a very long post all typed out, and then hit Enter and I realized I wasn't logged in. So I typed it all out again!] The scenes where Frodo and Sam and Gollum are in the wilderness, all exhausted and snipping at each other, I'll admit, i skip those. It gets almost physically tiring after a while. Fellowship is my favourite movie, but my favourite book is actually the Silmarillion. For a lot of people it is really like trying to read a boring history textbook, but I really enjoy reading it. Maybe growing up, reading dense types of books made me have the constitution for it or something. My favourite parts are the creation story at the beginning, Melkor/Morgoth's descent into darkness and Ungoliant's rampage, [and Feanor slamming his front door in Morgoth's face always makes me laugh], and Thingol meeting Melian, and Beren and Luthien's story is so beautiful and always makes me cry, and everything about Earendil [he one-shot the largest dragon ever, it's freaking awesome!] and the fall of Numenor is the best depiction of the myth of Atlantis, to me. I think the scariest part of LotR to me is when Gandalf talks about the Nameless Things that gnaw at the roots of the world, and how even Sauron doesn't know about them, that's just Horribly Problematic Lovecraft levels right there. [Dom mentioned the show that doesn't exist. Blings of Pretension. Boo. Hiss.] Anyway, I guess I'm doing a re-read of LotR once I'm done my Discworld marathon this month. Also, Molly Ostentag [of She-Ra fame] did a fan-fic from Sam's perspective, and I love it to bits. It's called In All The Ways There Were, and I'll be reading that, too.

Krankar Volund

The Fall of Numenor and the Siege of Barad-Dûr are away from like a century or so, Numenor sunked in 3329, Barad-Dûr and Sauron falled in 3441, with Elendil. But with the longevity of the protagonists, it doesn't really matter, Elendil was 322 when he died, Isildur and Anarion were 232 and 222 when their dad died, all of these were adults when they fled Numenor ^^