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And it was bad ^__^


The Return


Sal Amander

"Kirk is space Jesus" but that's Sisko's job!


my parents were OS trekkies, my sibs and I were raised on TNG; I continued from there not just to the rest of the treks, but also more broadly into sci-fi and fantasy everything. And Fandom. oh yes, I've been in those trenches, glorious shipping wars, and all teh things. to be honest tho - I don't care for Kirk or Shatner one bit. I was never very impressed by Kirk as a character, much preferring Uhura, followed by Scottie and Bones. As for the IRL man himself, well... let's just say that while I was growing up, I would have done anything for Wesley Crusher. And I genuinely enjoy following Wil Wheaton's contributions to the geekdom, as well as draw personal inspiration from his candid experiences with mental health, abusive parents, and how the Star Trek cast helped be a support system when he struggled. I was actually surprised when you said that Shatner was decent human being - I wouldn't have expected you to find anything appealing about his manner or how he treats others. But it's also likely that you are aware of information about Shatner than I am not (since I have never needed to research him for anything). I don't know; my judgements/opinions could be wrong or ill-informed.