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Like, totally.





You might want to pop a little caption/correction thing over the "smarties on a keyboard" part before uploading to YouTube - in America those would be M&amp;Ms. Our Smarties are these nasty little dry tablet thingies - <a href="http://www.smarties.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.smarties.com/</a> Not at all the tasty chocolate Smarties you Brits have.

LS Greger

I always wondered what Hans Christian Andersen or the Brother's Grimm would think of the Disney Movies if they watched them.


That first minute killed me XD Love ya as usual, Dom.


Those are M and Ms not Smarties!


This was great! Oddly enough, now I wanna read the book even more, if it was that stereotypical. Oh, and thank you for being here today.


Don't worry the Dom, I wasn't the target audience for the book either...even when I was a teen. Ugh I hate books like that, they're so dull and just painful to get through. Btw are you going to a Dom Oscars on Pride and Prejudice a much better book about romance and social issues?


Dude, I love how you sit all serious when the voice is going on and on about teenage angst. It's so hilarious. =3

Your Librarian

Great vid as usual, Dom. The city was probably changed because NYC breeds a level of toughness to its inhabitants - not an adjective I'd associate with book or movie Mia - while San Fran (or any CA city) is considered fitting for naivete in protagonists and vapid teenager vibes. Plus, you can't have a beach party in NYC.


Glad to be back watching your videos, the Dom! Had to cut at Harry Potter 4 as that's as far as I've gotten with them. You're doing some great work getting through these terrible books and/or films. You're recreation of the act of reading the teenage angst-ridden book was easily the best part. Keep up the great work!


You are SO right about the "Disney kills off most fathers". And the science bit in the beginning was hilariously accurate


SCIENCE! Aw, even holes? Ah well I still like that one. On a completely different note, World War Z! World War Z! And in name only clause if there ever was one


fun review :)


It's so good to see you reviewing new adaptations, The Dom! (I enjoyed the Harry Potterathon so much I forgot how much I missed these. ^_^) Thanks for being fair about not being this book's target audience and just admitting it's not for you, instead of being all, "It's for teenage girls, so it sucks" like countless other internet guys. (It's not for me either, but that's neither here nor there.)