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So close.... to being done.... with Harry Potter..... O_O





I've had teachers who would've sided with Snape and were frankly worse than him. That being said, yeah, I still find him a sexy beast. Grey-ace I may be, but Severus Snape - *growls lustfully*


If you get kidnapped by Rowling's and forced to to Cursed Child, I will point and laugh...still love you! :D Enjoy your upcoming vacation!!


What in the bloody hell did Snape say to redeem himself? Or what people say did, I couldn't hear it and don't remember the book well.


Oh yeah, I DESPISED the book. I'm sorry, but it was the only movie I refused to watch because I thought the book was so horrible. Being fair: I liked the ending, the heartwrenching moment after he left the pensieve and went to his death. I was crying during the whole thing. It was well-written. The rest of the book of just running and hiding, and excitement and running again and hiding... I got bored out of my skull and forced myself to finish the book until Hogwarts on.


Oh I agree with you. Yes he is sympathetic because of his past but that still doesn't change the fact that he was a bully. I like his character to be honest because it's an awesome example of how a fundamentally flawed person can still do good while not being a good person.....Snape is a damaged individual that did great good but he wasn't a nice guy. RIP Alan Rickman you were magnificent as him and we miss you....Always.


While I agree with you on 99% of the stuff you say about Severus Snape, but given the fact that Professor Lupin did nearly kill Harry and the others while in Werewolf form, I can't 100% begrudge Snape for outing him. Sure, he probably did it with malicious intent and it sucks for Lupin, but still, carelessness like can be fatal.

Chad Roy

Hey Dom where did you get that replica desert eagle?


Thank you SO MUCH for your rant about Snape. I agree 100%. Being sympathetic and loving Lily doesn't erase what a mean-spirited bully he was all those years as a teacher, nor how he endlessly tormented non-Slytherin students who had done nothing to him. And thank you for bringing up Neville. He always seems to be forgotten in the "Is Snape sympathetic?" discussion, so I'm glad you brought him up.


the Snape rant, Oh my god. Yesssss YESSSSSSSS


Its just a plastic BB gun. I got it online years and years ago before it became illeagle to sell realistic looking ones in the UK.


I agree with your points on Snape in regards to the level of abuse . I would like to point out though that Snape might not of known the full Prophecy but he would have known that it came down to Voldemort choosing between Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. Upon rereading I always took his hatred for Neville as his resentment that Neville's family could have been killed instead of Lily.


Oh. My. Gosh. This is by far your best one yet! The opening with Terrence's eye streaming blood and then smash cut to him wearing the sunglasses broke my heart and kicked so much ass I can't stand it. And then the subtle little call back at the end where he rubbed that eye before going off to fight just killed me. Subtle, beautiful visual storytelling. I seriously cannot give props enough, that was fantastic.

Harry Thornton

I posted these corrections on Skype, but I posted them here so you can look at it more easily: The "random Slytherin henchman" dom mentioned was Blaize Zabini. Crabbe's actor was lost because (and I swear this is true) he was found growing cannabis in (I think) his mother's home and sentenced to 120 hours of community service. The location of Snape's confrontation with voldemort was changed to a boathouse because the filmmakers realised that they had never used the hogwarts boathouse as a location before.


There is no boathouse in Hogwarts in the book. Or at least no mention of one.


Loved this episode! Especially the whole fight between Terrence and The Dom and poor No. 6 getting stuck in the middle. Aww I'm going to miss their ridiculous spats once this is all done. Looking forward to the epic conclusion and do agree with your Severus Snape wrap up but I kinda think a whole bunch of the wizarding education is kinda messed up. I personally am not a fan of the epilogue but I have never liked any massive time jump epilogues. I'm not sure why but maybe its because I don't feel the writing earned it, like we don't see those journeys so it doesn't feel legit. Or maybe its because I don't know like how it feels that the author is trying to wash their hands of this story. As though the author is saying 'Definitely wrap everything up super fast and just get it done.' *shrugs* This is probably all just me overthinking stuff. But anyway still another great episode!

David Perez

I'm a teacher and I still love Snape....although, yeah, if anyone told me a real teacher acted this way...yeah, I'd be pissed.