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And now, the show:




Robin Isomaa

When I read the book, I imagined Shadow as black. I looked it up and apparently his race is somewhat ambiguous in the book, but Gaiman has stated that his mother was black. This is just Word of God (hehe, lol), but it does seem to match what I remember, that he's often referred to as "dark". I'm not going to reread it though, since I wasn't a big fan. I personally consider Anansi Boys to be superior in almost every way.

Evan Linden

Given how much Dom disliked Yassin in Hitchhiker's Guide, I'm glad he liked his performance here.


Was just about to comment on this. Back when s1 aired was watching it w/ my then bf, and he mentioned always picturing Shadow as white, and I pulled out the book and found a reference to Shadow being dark skinned pretty quickly.


It was never about individual actors' performances, it was the writing and the choices made in the adaptation process..... Also I didn't even realise it was the same person XD