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A.k.a the year Harry goes camping.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Lost in Adaptation

The Dom begins the beginning of the end and looks to see how well Harry Potter and the Dealthly Hallows Part 1 stuck its its half book.



You just had to use THAT picture of Matthew Louis, didn't you? XD


You had me with the tank bit, rofl! Oh, I am so looking foward to Part 2!


you know after going through the harry potterathon i really regret my decision to not finish the series. While not entirely my fault, ask anyone in highschool and they'll tell you the stresses they're under, i do wish i had tried to finish after prisoner. Dom i do want to say thank you because you've quite possibly inspired me to revist them. On another note, i thought you were done with the glasses lol sorry whether with or without them your still awesome


I do love the tank! and yeah, while there are some that do ok with the splitting, I think this one was the first to try it, and now ALL LAST BOOKS ARE TWO-PARTS. Urgh. Can't wait for the next part!


Thank you so much for uploading this and making my Halloween fantastic. <3


I knew as soon as Book 7 came out that they'd need to split the movie into 2 parts. There was just *too much* essential foreshadowing left out of the earlier films to even be able to tell a coherent ending in just one movie. And to be honest... Deathly Hallows Part 2 is actually really good because of it. It's my favorite film in the series, just barely inching out Prisoner of Azkaban.


nice panther you got there Dom, be a shame if someone took it