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Just putting the finishing touches on Part 2 of Order of the Phoenix, should be done in the next few days. In the mean time heres a look at some recurring themes so far.


HP Overview

Uploaded by The Dom on 2016-09-11.



I don't know is you did this on purpose, but Terrance's disdain for the Huffelpuff's house animal being a badger is ironic, because as far as the food chain goes, They are the second highest of the four house animals. Whereas Badgers don't eat Ravens as they do snakes, I wouldn't bet on the Raven to win the fight either, That being Said, The whole concept of house Huffelpuff confused me because they are not given any defining characteristic in the book, being more like the leftovers that the other houses didn't want, but the fanbase has essentially collectively retconned them to being all about peace, sometimes cowardly, and relating everything to food for some reason (Because they are located near the Hogwart's kitchen I guess?)


you know what, Terrance. I have an idea. Go up against a badger wandless. Not a Hufflepuff, an actual badger. Go on, make one mad. I freakin' DARE YOU. Then see how good they are at 'finding' things. also that is a good question about the clothing thing as far as Muggles, half-bloods, and pure bloods are concerned. Maybe some of them took on the more 'elegant' clothing from the past? I know it's supposed to be mostly medieval but considering you can spell some regular Muggle items to do other things (not just portkeys), maybe other things like tailored clothing also came up? idk, it feels like if that was the case, it'd be like going to a Ren fair or pagan festival - you'd have people in homemade and tailor made clothing that's more old-fashioned, people in 'modern' clothing, and a mix of both.


Ravenclaw's house animal is not a raven as the name would suggest. It is actually an eagle.


EEEEK! THE DOM WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN A VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can check "somehow being in a Channel Awesome video" off my bucket list! It makes turning 40 worth it! Thank you, The Dom!

David Perez

I wish I could post s pic here and show off my Ravenclaw banner that hangs in my classroom! Loving this Potterathon and good for the Jami shout out! By the Way...Happy Birthday Jami! I hope you had a great birthday!!!


I spotted a mistake. There are only two quiddich matches in book 2, the tournament got called off because of all the attacks. Also when you talked about the clothing, I'm surprised you didn't mention the robes having the students house crest on them, or even just the uniforms having their house colours in general. Since I don't recall any mention of the robes being like that in the books.

Kim Huett

Terrance does make a compelling case, How long before you give him his own spin-off series?


actually i remember a mention of a quidditch match having the stands be "a sea of slytherin green" dont remember where tho.


Finding a middle ground option like that would have been a much more creative way of doing it for sure.


Man there is a ton of hufflepuff hate. Wasnt it the whole of hufflepuff house that stayed to help fight in the battle of hogwarts? Whats this about finding things, I thought there thing was loyalty? griffyndor bravery Ravenclaw wisdom Slytherin ambition Hufflpuff loyalty


But does The Dom lift?


Thanks for pointing out the eye color and muggle clothes thing. I know it's silly of me to keep harping on them, but it's just a pet peeve of mine, you know? Also, the comparison of film Hermione and Ron to film Legolas and Gimli was spot-on!


The pointed hats always bothered me. It seems like in both the first book and the first film they brought them out and then past that no student is seen or mentioned wearing one again.


The nonverbal magic thing to me is really bad in movie 6 because it changed the tone of the bathroom scene. It made Harry seem like way more of a psycho.