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A.k.a Harry Potter and the unfortunate sudden onset of puberty...


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Uploaded by The Dom on 2016-08-31.



I realize she doesn't work anymore, but I was always upset they didn't even consider Patrica Routledge for Umbridge. After all, Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) is like a less evil Umbridge.


Lovely to have you back, Dom! :3


Another fantastic review! Good to have The Dom reviewing again. I have to agree that Order of the Phoenix is my least favorite book, so I don't really mind the changes they made. I feel most of the changes are either very minor, streamline the story, or they make most of the characters more sympathetic, which I think was desperately needed for this story.


I remember imagining Umbridge as a sort of Margaret Thatcher type figure with the "toad-like" description. Though I think they would have had a tough time convincing Thatcher to take on the role.


Gotta agree about this being the least of the books. Umbridge is a great addition, but she's the only decent addition. I found the descriptions in the Ministry at the end a bit lacking, the subplots meandered a bit, etc. I wasn't as upset as some that in the end, Harry screwed things up, and Sirius died for it, purely because he seemed to have been tricked or manipulated into it, which makes Voldemort seem more frightening.


Also, the problem of Dumbledore deliberately ignoring Harry throughout the year was a silly problem that would have been easily solved.

Dominic Ford

When referring to Umbridge's totalitarianism in the film, as someone who only finished high school a few years ago, many of us boys and girls who didn't much care for the rules would refer to a stickler in such a way.


Honestly a lot of problems are in the books themselves, like how useless and jerkish Ron is.


Mostly I remember Harry became CAPSLOCK HARRY.


Good to see you back and moving Dom.


Great episode! I have an extremely tiny, niggling complaint, though. The note near the end about there being more "What They Changed" content in the next part disappeared just a tad too quickly for me to read it all. I had to rewind a bit to catch the rest. Not everyone reads all that fast.