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The Martian



Yasss. Been looking forward to this.


Loved this movie so much. Second the frustration with Damon deciding to shill crypto. WTF Matt. You can't possibly need the money THAT bad.

David Durant

Saying up front that this is my favourite movie before I watch Dom's video... Edit: Not disappointed :-).


Happy to inform you that i am Gen Z, have never seen House, but still understood what you were saying


Bwah hahahah! Dom made me spit take with that caption! I loved the book and enjoyed the movie. Can’t wait to see Dom’s take.


Okay, love this video, but why did you not give a shout out to Kristen Wiig?




Madame's guns were out in force😂


Love this book, this movie, and this review. Thanks, Mr. Noble!


Not to be pedantic, but to actually lie and be 100% pedantic, but I think you mean "third person" not "second person". Something written in the second person would be addressing the reader (you) not the characters (he/she/they)

Crescent Minor

It weirds me out where all the money celebrities make goes. The vast majority of people who've ever lived could happily retire on what he gets paid for one movie, and yet, he must have expenses because why else would he do commercials?

Ly Jalao

Ah crap, now it's canon that the Grey's are so rich they got to stay in a space hotel from The Martian. At least this is canon in the Dom Noble universe.


That zoom in on your face when you said "Is E.L. James" is so damn funny and I don't even know why, because the close up for emphasis gag is as old as youtube and beyond.

Michael Drzyzga

Re: the whole mutiny to go back to Mars - reminds me of the epilogue to Digimon, with Matt and Gabumon becoming the first pair on Mars. Despite the fact that they were only supposed to go to the Moon.

Michael Drzyzga

Huh. That's interesting. Hearing the book's by Andy Weir, I was like, "hmm.... what else he written? I feel like I'm forgetting something." I was thinking of Artemis. A book I specifically bought as research for my own novel.


I always loved how the book made a Council of Elrond joke long before Sean Bean was cast in this film. Great unwitting meta joke.

Michael Drzyzga

The Martian has something in common with another book out there - If Cats Disappeared From the World by Genki Kawamura. And that thing is qualifies for Lost in Adaptation, has been on my to-read list for WAY too long, and I saw the first third of the movie both before knowing it was based on a book, and was not able to finish the movie because I was getting sick and was only lucid for the first third or so.


I appreciate how tight your intro to the show has become. It's clear enough for new viewers and succinct enough for long time beautiful watchers.

Michael T. Johnson

Not gonna lie, I got the original Audible version read by RC Bray, and as cool as Wil Wheaton is, he can't beat RC Bray for me.


Ok, I've watched this a couple times and I love it 90% of it. However, where are you getting the information on what happened to the crew afterward? @17:02ish you say that the book covered the outcome for the crew and Watney, but the book ends in the airlock. The end. No epilogue beyond that. The closest thing is the "original ending" to the ebook prior to publishing (see here: https://the-martian.fandom.com/wiki/Original_Ending) that mentions Watney working for Johnson Space Center (which would be NASA, not being a shut in or a hotel??). Also in Chapter 16, Lewis says “You and I are military. There’s a good chance we’d be court-martialed when we got home. As for the rest of you, I guarantee they’ll never send you up again.” But no where I can find confirms that actually happens. If I missed something, i DEFINITELY want to read the deleted scenes, but I have searched for about hours and found nothing where Weir, or the movie folks talk about the movie ending being anything but an addition rather than a change.