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The second attempt at bringing Philip Pullman's books to screen went a lot better.


His Dark Materials First Cut


Beloved Sylphaen

Dom, my dear, my beautiful watched one, please cover the second season! Edit: I begged because that's what I understood you wanted. Reading the other comments made me realize that I got it wrong. Please, Dom, read whatever you want and enjoy, there is no reason to sacrifice your mental health for a video!


Dude, it's a bit late to post spoiler warnings _after_ you just told the viewers that Lord Asriel and Mrs Coulter are Lyra's parents! 😀 (She thought the former was her uncle and had never met the latter before)


Dom, I love your work, but please don't read things that upset you.


Dom, you ravishing pinnacle of manliness, I would very much like you to do the other books in the series, but only if you feel up to it.


Die-Hard fan found, Dom. I absolutely adore the first series and I have mixed, but positive thoughts on the second series. Speaking of which: Dominic. I understand that reading The Subtle Knife is an experience that is just as, if not more taxing than Northern Lights, especially considering the soul-sucking vampires and torture presented in the first few chapters of this sequel. It is a harrowing read at places (I know this isn't a very good pitch so far, but bear with me). However, I would argue that it makes analysing the show a more rewarding experience, as the show is drastically different from the second book in the series, and suffers for it. Even though the special effects and most of the performances are up to the same standard as Season 1, there is a noticeable drop in quality of adaptation, with roundabout plot details, way too many uneccesary story lines and a lot of repetition of the same information. I would personally argue that it is much easier to critique something netagively than to stress your positive opinions about something over and over again. But even though it has its problems, it's still a very good watch. And, you have the added benefit of being excited for Season 3, which looks like it's going to be the kind of spectacle on par with an Avengers movie, especially considering all the universe hopping, and multi-dimensional creatures that show up in the story. I understand, it's a hard read as an adult. I read the books when I was 8 to 11, and I think I was too young to really understand the implications of The General Oblation Board and the Magisterium, so I'm kind of numb to all the horiffic details now. But, this book has captured my imagination for more than a decade, and I will truly champion it as the best option for a LIA possible. It would really mean a lot to me if you could adapt this amazing series.


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Kat Deuchars

I think he meant the books that you buy with them Even if you cancel your membership, you don't lose the books

Kat Deuchars

Did you spot that they cast Dafne Keen's dad as one of the priests?


Can someone tell me if the video contains Book 3 Spoilers? That would be great

Eustacia Vye

My teenager just loves this adaptation. I think the opening credit sequence is really well designed.


I read the last book in the trilogy, The Subtle Knife, when I was much much younger and it is so amazingly bizarre I can remember almost everything about it. I should revisit it one of these days.

Therese Öberg

I absolutely love the end credit song for this one! The Gummi bears are a favourite of mine.

Krankar Volund

Honestly, Lyra seems to have a childish adoration for every adult character she encountered that had been a little bit kind towards her, except the people who raised her XD