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Good Omens - LiA



Yeeeeesssss! 😍


Yes! Thank you! 🥰


YES been waiting for this one forever


FINALLY Hallelujah!


Thank you for your work! I'll enjoy it at the end of the month when my work is done. Not the best for the algorithm (e great and powerful). But hey, that's what the patreon donation is for


I'm happy that you are finally doing this. This is one of my top 10 favorite books written by two of my top 5 authors




Good Omens is my favorite book and I'd wanted for ages to see it come to life, but was also always a but terrified. This adaptation was incredible and you could feel the love in it, just as you can feel the love in your review. I'm going to go cry into my copy now, leaving it dog eared and marked up as they both would have wanted.


I get the same way about Episode 3. That cold open is just marvelous.


Aaaaah! Wonderful video as always.

One Who Walks Behind

The reason I'm slightly optimistic about season two is due to both this second book outline and because it's basically all new stuff. Nothing to compare it to gives it the freedom the first season didn't have. Which I loved. And watched. Multiple times. As well as watched reaction channels watch. Multiple times.


Nooo, don't hit me in the feels with stuff about this book! I loved the book and the show was so much fun to watch. I can't wait for series 2, and I'm glad you were able to put up a LiA for it.


Thank you so much for getting to this, I hope you got through it alright, considering how hard it must've been for you. It's greatly appreciated! ❤️ The only thing I personally truly miss is Adam's reasoning about not starting the Apocalypse. It is so much the encapsulation of the whole point and the whole book. I do understand why it's not there, as you cannot have it without the Johnsson gang, but I still miss it. Thank you again!


Great video. Just a heads up, at about 19:00, you call Madame Tracy, Anathema by mistake.


I literally just finished this book, the day before yesterday.

Denise D

Hooray - I was hoping to get a Sir Terry cameo in this excellent vid! (And my ginger cat screams at me every time I try to exercise in his presence. Or anywhere close to his presence.)


I had been a bit nervous about the series at first, not being a big fan of adaptations most of the time. But then it starts off by quoting the book word by word, and I fell in love. <3 Thank you for making this, amazing as always.


I really enjoyed all the background on Gaiman and Pratchett. More than that, it's so nice to see your genuine appreciation for these writers, their friendship, and their work.


This just made my day so much better! Funny thing, just this morning I was wondering when you would get around to doing this one


I absolutely became a patron for this. I’ve been waiting three years and it’s everything I wanted. It brought me back to the joy of life before 2020.


Aaah I also love that cold open! Good Omens is probably one of my favorite adaptations and also one of favorite shows in general and I've been looking forward to this episode, I'm so glad that you were able to get to a space where you felt comfortable making it.


The first time I watched Good Omens I just had a big, dopey smile on my face the whole time, you can just see the love woven into every scene. I'm slightly nervous about future seasons, just because this one ended so well, but I'm confident that Neil Gaiman is keeping Sir Terry in his thoughts for every major decision, and I loved John Finnemore's writing in Cabin Pressure, which I think nails the "funny but with a lot of heart" that's present in Good Omens. Loved the video, I've been looking forward to this since 2019!

Beloved Sylphaen

Wonderful video. I wanted to hug you every time you mentioned sir Terry.

Stella Bella

Thought I'd share something Gaiman mentioned when I saw him live after Terry's passing. Gaiman wrote nearly all of the encounter between the deliveryman and Pollution. Terry added the one half sentence "and, on one memorable occasion, fork." GNU Terry Pratchett his humor will bless us forever


Seeing this video up definitely cheered me up on a stressful day. :) After being lukewarm on the Discworld books I'd read as a kid, Good Omens was my reintroduction to Pratchett as an adult. Reading it led to me reading the Discworld series again and loving it, Good Omens becoming my favorite book, Pratchett becoming my favorite author, and also a little book club between me and my dad for awhile as we read through the Discworld novels together. :) As an adaptation, for me Good Omens is in the rare category where the visual adaptation is just as good as the book and each is unique enough to the other where both are worth exploring. The only other adaptation that has that honor for me is The Princess Bride.

Eustacia Vye

Great video...one quibble...it's Miranda Richardson not Maria Richardson.

Matthew Foweraker

GNU Sir Terry. I wonder, does this mean we might be able to get some of the other Discworld adaptations?


Thank you for sharing. They did great (and very difficult) job with the show in general but David Tennant and Michael Sheen really blew my mind. Kudos. What fantastic actors.


Thank you for making this! I did have to pause the video to have a quick cry when you talked about Sir Terry Pratchett's hat at the premiere for the show.

Faerie Glen

Subtle change at the end I really liked: In the book, Anathema is about to open the second book of prophecies, but Newt convinces her not to. A little strange that her start to leading her own life is initiated by someone else. In the show, she is already preparing to destroy it but can't quite bring herself to go through with it. Newt just gives her a little nudge in the form of a supportive comment. He says the same words as in the book, but the context change gives Anathema a lot more agency.

Erica Borgers

I adore you and the care that you give to your (and my) treasured stories/authors!


I am holding on to this one for later, once I finally finish the show!

Betty P Thomas

Did you see where Terry Pratchett's autobiography is available for pre-order from Discworld Emporium?


I was just rewatching your review, and I noticed. You mentioned they left out the bit about any music left in a car turning into Best of Queen. I think they may have kept it as a subtle easter egg, there's a bit when A and C are in the car and have just finished talking and in the brief silence you can hear what sounds like a classical rendition of the end portion of "We Will Rock You".