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A.k.a Harry Potter and the year he showed little to no interest in his future wife.


HP2 Mark 1

Uploaded by Dom Smith on 2016-07-11.



HA! Way to shake it up and keep it fresh. :) Really loved the bit where the basilisk gets dialogue (and what a great pick for the voice!), and the outtakes at the end were hilarious! Looking forward to seeing more of Terrence, although I will miss our usual Dom. :)


I think I kind of love Terrance. In that "Guys, this is my annoying baby brother. He got into Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin but Salazar help you if you harm one hair on his head no matter how obnoxious you think he is because his Slytherin big sister is going to cast a curse that will attach Hagrid's dirty socks to your noses if you do!" kind of way.

David Perez

Desperate Housewives!?!?!?! Bwahahahahahahah Ok, that was a stroke of genius. I should point out that I have a Ravenclaw banner hanging in my classroom. In a lot of ways, this was the book that truly made me a huge fan of the series. It turned into a great mystery as well as being a fun fantasy novel. You're analysis is spot on and although I was a little annoyed by the whole "Terrance" thing, it actually grew on me quite well. As always, great job!


okay i was on the fence about it but i do love terrance. But don't let him take over the analysis just have him making quips or something of the like before or after each section. Great job Dom you magnifecent bastard


You didn't mention Ron's howler. Also in the book, Harry and Ron don't go into the Forbidden Forrest until a couple of weeks after Hagrid and Dumbledore are taken away.


Yay! It's so good to see the next episode! ^^ I was really scared to see Terrance the Douche take over, but he toned it down very well for this episode. I enjoyed this a lot, including the running joke of "Azkabam!" I especially enjoyed Terrance adding a little flourish to the sentence. The gag with Molly Weasley just cracked me up. I was laughing so hard just seeing you in drag I actually missed the rest of the scene and had to rewind just to hear the end of it. "Our daughter has been taken by a giant monster." "Oh well, we have six more." Then I fell over laughing all over again. Another great review! Keep it up!

Chelsea Monk

Brilliant episode. BTW If it weren’t for Nearly-Headless Nick’s fondness of Harry the vanishing cabinet that let the death eaters into hogwarts inTHBPwould/could have been in working order the whole time. However, he convinced Peeves to drop it above Filch’s office to get Harry out of trouble so he could be invited to Nick’s death day party.


Is Terrance going to be reviewing the third Harry Potter movie? I wonder what he'd have to say of the movie going out of its way to tone down the wizarding world aesthetics and have the kids run around in muggle clothes as often as humanly possible?


Haha, age 12, All Star Batman and Robin, anybody else catch that? Also I'm a Hufflepuff. Quite enjoyed this one, interesting change up, though hopefully you don't get knocked out in any further reviews


It's kind of funny, I never really noticed the bad acting in the harry potter videos until now but now I can't *unsee* it. I suggest The Adventures of Tintin for a future video :)