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Happy Holidays y'all.


Returning to the Omegaverse for Christmas



In some versions male Omegas are intersex. So the birth happens like that of a female.

Kimberly Weekes

I KNOW TOO! I went down that rabbit hole after you talked about Omegaverse and saw drawings that made me grab my🙀 in shock. I, then, dragged my fiancé down with me making him question a lot especially why was I still holding 🙀 in shock.

Kimberly Weekes

Also, why CAN’T DaddySanta have husband or even date? Hetero Santa had a wife and was happy with elves, her, reindeer and doing his job. If omegaverse Santa was so efficient & liked his job why does he have to give it all up for love? That just doesn’t seem right.

Ellie C

Merry Christmas! Thanks for this! Hope you have a creatively fulfilling New Year. 😊


I just learned this morning that there is also officially published omegaverse manga. Do with that what you will. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!


I work at my local bookstore and can confirm this. At the moment we have the first volume and ONLY the first volume of exactly ONE series. Clearly, someone out there will like this series; but me: I read literally the first five pages before slamming the book shut and exclaiming "NOPE!" before quickly re-shelving it

DK Jones

I love the implication of the thumbnail is omega Dom has been impregnated by big dick daddy alpha Santa

Anthony (ThePkmnYPerson)

I felt "Santa's Baby" wasn't a justified title because the fact they have kids isn't the main point of the plot, then I realized I was taking it too literally.


I completely agree with you on how annoying it is when characters don't use contractions when speaking. Nothing takes me out of a story faster than reading that.


That or the description will be vague enough for sex and birth that it's up to the reader.


I'm not too fond of that either. Even when it's a period piece it's still out of place (because yes, it did appear to happen in history).


(Psst, watch that part again, there’s a bit of text on screen you might have missed.)


missed the tiny text under the lorem ipsum first watch, sorry ^^;