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Terrible. Just TERRIBLE.

Ok I'm done stalling. HP after this.


The Dom Reviews: The Benchwarmers

Uploaded by Dom Smith on 2016-06-18.



hm... ill admit i liked this review. If you choose to do more flat out movie reviews i would not be against it. good job man


oh jeez. I forgot how bad this movie was. I'm so sorry

LS Greger

I always wondered what happened to Jon Heder. This was the type of movie that kills acting careers.

Serpen Thrope

Hey! What do you have against people who enjoy wet slaps to the testicles!?!

David Perez

There is one good thing that came from this movie....I still pronounce it Ah Mah Zah Zing....for some reason I found that hilarious in the trailer and my buddies and I still use it to this day. Side note, have never actually seen this movie!


I remember this movie. Saw it in my first year of college for free. I think it is no coincidence that I started watching that guy with the glasses videos in my second of college because, well...um... I liked this movie then. I even rented it and watched it a second time. I might have even spent money on it that time. I, I'm so sorry. I didn't have any kind of mental filter for quality in movies ten year ago. I had terrible taste in film back in the day and it took me way too long to realize that movies can suck.


Well..... if you'd rather stall some more you could do one of my 60 billion requests. Sent you a new one last night as part of my plot to get someone from Channel Awesome to review my favorite Marilyn Monroe movie, Don't Bother To Knock..... ;-)


...I worked at a movie theater when this one came out, and I will always remember just how silent the audience was for about 90% of the movie. How does crap like this keep getting made?


Ahh Dom sorry you had to watch that, but glad you took a break...well at least I'm glad you've branched out. After watching that tripe might I suggest some funny movies that have slap stick, but in my opinion are way funnier. 1. Blades of Glory with Jon Heder and the rousing score from the Flash Gordon movie. 2. Role Models. This movie has live action role playing as a big part of its plot, so wizards and wimsy. These are two films that always manage to perk me up after something disappointing like a Billy Madison movie.


You should reward yourself by stalling again and reviewing The Sandlot.


Ya know I wonder why I haven't seen any other critics I watch review this. Thank you Dom you hero you


Hahahaha! The typing thing at the end. It's actually an epidemic in movies. People are always typing furiously on their keyboard no matter what they are doing. It's like movie writers keep forgetting the mouse was invented!


I remember seeing ads for this as a kid ... it looked awful then too. I don't know how you managed to get through the whole run time.