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The horror goes on.

Switching to a pre recorded format for a bit because it was getting too stressful juggling guests, youtube and OBS all at once while also being subjected to EL James.


Livestream 4


DK Jones

Should I wait to comment on the vid until it hits the main channel to feed the engagement monster so let out my feels now?

Crescent Minor

I don't know anything about Parts 1-3; if you don't mention it on Patreon, I don't see it. I'm just going to jump on here.

Beloved Sylphaen

Jessie's voices were amazing. This chapter was so fun thanks to her charm. Can't wait for the next one.


I watched the first couple minutes of part one. I donated to the promoted charity, but can't recall which one it was at this point. Something relating to domestic violence would have been the obvious choice? But as much as I feel for you plowing through this, I can't see how my joining in would help anyone. I do hope that this process has drummed up the charitable donations to make it worth it.


Is there more to this that was cut? The video seems to end abruptly mid-scene. I dunno if you were at the end of a chapter or if you two ran out of time and needed to end your call, but it was kinda jarring to me that the video just ends with y'all in the middle of laughing, without any sort of signoff.


I was literally wondering just the other day when you'd continue this! What a nice surprise.


Oh Dom, I'm half an hour in, and I'm CRYING with laughter. I ashamed how much I love that you've sacrificed your emotional health for our entertainment


Jessie is a fantastic reader, this is very entertaining to listen to while working xDD

D'Arcy Arden

It's even more ridiculous when you remember that not-Anna had only been in London 2 weeks when the book started. So, 2 weeks since she escaped sex trafficking. I don't remember how much time between the start of the book and now, but not much. Maybe like a week or two. So by now it's been, like, a month since she escaped.


Oh god oh god oh god, this is so bad and I'm so sorry we did this to you, but it's AMAZING