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It appears that one of my lovely patrons passed on a link to my patreon early access video about Chuck Tingle to the man himself who liked it enough to share it on Twitter.

While I'm sure your intentions were good, this has caused a bunch of problems with all his fans being directed to an unlisted video on my second channel.

I don't mind you sharing links with the odd friend who can't afford to become a patron themselves, but please don't post them anywhere publically or send them to celebrities until the video is released on the main channel. Thanks <3



I don't even share the early access videos with family, let alone people I've never met. That's just so gauche. :(

Courtney Rayle

I rarely watch the early access videos (since that affects how YT promotes the videos when you upload them; I prefer to just wait for you to post them publicly). Sharing early uploads feels very wrong, although I get wanting to share the review with Chuck because he’s been going through some stuff lately (surgery and having to cancel an event because the recovery is much more intensive than he thought). Still, if you reach out and ask him to, he’ll remove the link. He also shared your primary YT channel and Patreon link. I think he just wants to give you credit for reviewing him, and doing so fairly and having criticisms that were valid. He also removed the dinosaur Tingler that you had issues with due to consent not being clear, because it was supposed to be a 50 Shades parody, but he doesn’t think he made that as obvious as he should have (that was from very early in his career and he wants to rewrite and do a better job and make sure consent is first and foremost).


Wow. I suppose they got a little overly excited. I was banned from Twitter for making pro-vaccine tweets so I get to miss out on a lot of tweeted drama.


I believe this would be a given, not to share early access vids. 🙄


Yeah, I have shown people early access videos on my computer, but never emailed a link. It wouldn't have occurred to me.


I don't think people understand the concept of paying for art anymore. Especially if it's online, people just assume they're entitled to it. Sorry this happened to you Dom!


Sharing early access to a video never even came to my mind... I sometimes hint to people what I know is coming, but always wait to share till the video is out properly


Yikes. I can’t believe that happened. I’m sorry things took such a turn. It was a good video that didn’t deserve to get shortchanged like that.

Beloved Sylphaen

Not even with friends! Come on, people, your friends can wait a couple of days to see a video, it's not like the early access is three months earlier.

Michael Drzyzga

If you're ok with me offering a silver lining, Chuck Tingle liked it. But yeah, I don't share early access links - I didn't know it was possible, and I'd assumed it wouldn't be.

Alan Michael Cumbess

It's a second channel for the patron vids. I like to watch the patreon vid and then play the second vid when it comes out but take my headphones out of my ear lol

Juli No Fooly

It really bothered me to see that posted honestly. I had just barely been suggested your videos on YouTube right before it happened, and while it brought exposure I'm sure, I could tell it wasn't public. Made me feel uncomfortable because I could assume it was patreon exclusive, and even Chuck got confused (since it got to an article first). Like i was seeing something private and not meant to me. I've since subscribed here, but it's really not cool to spread things that'll be freely available within a week and are one of the few perks enticing people to directly support the artists we love (Dom). I hope it was due to a little bit of inconsiderate excitement to see a beloved author covered, but i hope the issue rectifies itself.