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Special guest PushingUpRoses joins us to discuss the last few video's we've worked on and answer some patron questions and comments.

Check out her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/pushinguproses


Podcast 01


Stevi Grega

It's always nice when one of my favorite content creators works with another of my favorite content creators.


Podcast title idea: Found in Coversation. And the logo is similar to the one for LiA. :)


OH OH OH! For the podcast name, how about "Behind The Pages"? Cause it's a pun on "Behind The Scenes", and you do adaptions of books, so it makes perfect sense!


The Hobbit and 395 Days are two things I never expected to be part of the same conversation.


@40:33 my claim to fame in the gaming community is that one time at a con the guy who made the game Blaster Master took a picture of my cosplay (my friend and I were cosplaying Peach and Daisy in their Tennis outfits) and he tweeted it. So I guess you could call me highly connected in the gaming community lol.


Oh also I run a video game mod team and my lead developer and project manager got invited by Paradox Games to speak at their virtual con this year. So that's cool.


You could play the visual novel Cinders on the switch. It's an adaptation of Cinderella with branching paths and it's pretty cute. You could do that for charity.


@59:16 Kate, Anjelica Huston is amazing in everything. Let's not sell her short.


According to the Tolkien wiki, the princess's name is Mika Milovana. That's not too out-there, just... vaguely Russian, I guess.


Love her! And her 'Murder She Wrote' reviews are some of the funniest content I have seen in a long while!

Ly Jalao

I'm catching up on all the new videos, love this newest podcast. Work has been stressful, but it allows me to pay for content! As an aside, what do you think about naming the podcast something silly like this: The Read Gud podcast. In reference to the first Zoolander movie.