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Creepy British children for days


Village of the Damned Mark 2





LOL The Mary Sue bit was priceless. XD


Just a heads up for future videos— it’s best not to use a slur for an ethnic group that has been marginalized, even if you are quoting the racist who used it in the book.


Um... Think you forgot to put a picture of the film poster in at roughly the 10:33 minute mark. You reference looking at the boy on the poster, but there is no image of it.


huh apparently i did see the 90’s remake at some point, totally forgot about it until you mentioned Mark Hamill as the preacher


I think this story also inspired a episode/ chapter of Mushishi( Anime / manga). The children in there also look indentical and could copy each other skills once one had learned them.


I have found that reading past very unfortunate attitudes has changed my experience reading a lot of books


Yes I did enjoy it. Now I'm back to the bottom of the list & my next choice is Planet Of The Apes. (Yes it was a book first.) The Charleston Heston one, of course. 😁

D.A.M. Nox

I see you needing to say “Uncle Dom” in order to avoid “Daddy Dom”...


I must have done so too. I distinctly remember seeing a version of this that had one good cuckoo in it, which is an element the remake used that wasn't in the book or the 1960 movie.


Oh God! That moment before killing the children sounds heartbreaking in the book!


I guess I somehow thought you were going to be talking about Children of the Corn. Huh. I've never seen/read either so I guess I just conflated the two in my brain at some point.


Brilliant star trek fanfic!

Stella Bella

As an FYI: esk*mo is a slur

The Narrator

It's actually a gender-swapped but otherwise word-for-word recitation of an infamous Star Trek parody fic from the '70s called "The Trekkie's Tale" which has gone down in history for inventing the term "Mary Sue." So it's probably Dom taking a little potshot at Zellaby as written by Wyndham.

Robin Hildebrand

Love the jab at Trekkie's Tale at the midpoint

Gerda Strobl

Sounded like a quote to me (at least partially), so perhaps that is the reason.