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Scarlet Pimpernel ~ Lost in Adaptation


Lynda Ward

I’ve loved the original book since I was a pre-teen. But I do wish you had referenced the Leslie Howard/Merle Oberon film from the 30s. The 70s version is very pretty to look at, but I do think the Alexander Korda production is otherwise far superior.. Plus it had Raymond Massey’s far more chilling take on Chauvelin than Ian McKellin’s. But thanks for the adaptation. I guess I am going to have to read the book again. It’s been decades.


This caught me on a really bad day and immediately cheered me up, so thanks! My favourite was definitely the Scarlet Pumpernickel 🤣

Elysia Fields

I read this when I was in middle school and loved it! I hadn't realized there was a movie (or a few). Nice!


I love the musical of this story, and my favorite film version is the miniseries from 1999, and I love The Court Jester, which borrows pretty heavily from the book tropes.


The 1934 version with Leslie Howard is a guilty pleasure of mine. He then reprises the roll in a WWII era retelling called Pimpernel Smith that I thought was an interesting concept, but the film itself was just meh


The Wildhorn musical adaptation version has some pretty catchy songs too xD Just uhm... maybe don't pay too much attention to the lyrics


When you called the Pimpernel "Blakely" early on, I assumed you'd misspoken. But then after all the Pimpernel puns I can't tell anymore.

Manda Panda

That was a good video to start my morning with, thank you Dom 💕


This was a favorite when I was a kid...I think I have that movie memorized. Such a fun walk down memory lane.

DK Jones

You look rather dapper, Dom. And the custom song at the end is a bop!

Mitch Thatcher

loved the movie since I was kid, I found the book to be underwhelming in comparison.


Great video. Sounds like a great watch and most of a good read. I see the motivation to change the ending. Even if they worked in a scene to establish Sir Percy was a friend to Jews, you still have to make clear the French, or at least the French Agent was anti-Semitic enough to fall for the stereotype. I also see the logic of "let's patch it with another legit pimpernel story" so you're still in the same tonal ballpark of the source. But yeah, working in the legwork for that close to make sense was bit much.


On a silly note, a Canadian comedy duo called Wayne and Schuster did a parody called the brown pumpernickel so I had a good chuckle when you used that pun

Kelley Runyon

Excited for this and can't wait to watch later today! Whilst I prefer Leslie Howard in the role, the 70s adaptation is very pretty and still good fun. I've been a fan of both versions since I was a little girl. I didn't actually read the book until maybe five or six years ago and it was also delightful. (Not sure what took me so long to read it). Thanks!

Eustacia Vye

Totally spiffing old bean