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This book was awesome ^^


Raybearer ~ An African Inspired Fantasy Novel


Exquisite Williams

The book is only 9.99 on Kindle! I bought it instantly! I am so excited to read this book! Thank you for the recommendation! Based on your video it is going to be amazing plus I love a Black Author! Cannot wait!

Ly Jalao

Dom pulling that IOU card on us. I'll get the book!

Kris Grimsley

Gonna have to put this one on my "must read" list


I can’t get it as an ebook in NZ... gonna have to wait a bit


I will also be adding this to my to read list. sounds VERY interesting!!

Camille R

Oh thank goodness. I bought this a month or so ago and haven't gotten to it yet. Will prioritize!


You know what you've done, Dom? You've officially screwed up my reading list. I'm halfway through Ringworld thanks to you, and now I gotta shove Raybearer into the queue as well, pushing everything else back. (Shakes fist)

Michael T. Johnson

Adding it to my TBR list. And I've got an audible credit coming tomorrow, so this might be the next book on my list. This'll be the third series that I've heard of with a focus on African-esque fantasy, the other being the Burning series by Evan Winter, and the AfricanFuturism novels of Nnedi Okorafor, she has several. Good to see the circle of books in genre fiction expanding.

Matt Storrs

I will definitely check it out once the libraries reopen where I am. In the meantime, if you enjoy fantasies in non-European settings, might I recommend "Gods of Jade and Shadow"? Very different from what it sounds like this book is about, but still good in its own right.


aaaand I now have a new book in my kindle app library. How did this happen? (You know how this happened) :D Now if I could just scrape togeher enough mental energy to actually read it rather than hunt for anothe fic on ao3...

Eustacia Vye

you convinced me to buy the book. It is on my kindle now....curse you and your enthusiastic recommendations!!!!


Wow, thanks for the rec! I'm so happy to be part of the patreon, love to encourage your great work, thumbs up Dom!!!


Just bought it, nice one Dom!


Yep. I’m convinced. And I like the audible narrator you listed. I’ve bought it, next crafting day I’ll have a good story to listen to!


I enjoyed your "moth to a flame" impression, Dom, actual LOL from that. I can't wait for your next rec, it's great to hear you enthuse like this. Plus, I had an audible credit waiting for something so now I got a new listen!


They say don't judge a book by it's cover but DANG what a pretty cover. And I just bought it! It sounds really interesting, I feel like I could find some inspiration from it, and I'd love to see a canonically ace character in a book, haven't seen that before. :D

Robin Isomaa

I happened to have an Audible credit to spare, so I bought it. It seems a bit short (14 hours), but I'm looking forward to it. I just started ADWD, so I have 40+ hours left of GRRM. I've been looking for some other stuff to listen to afterwards (I already finished A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and I'm not going to listen to 26 hours of the Targaryen encyclopedia).


I can recommend the audio book - the narrator was fantastic and really adds to the atmosphere of the story! Regarding the algorithm, is posting the advanced access on a second channel having a negative impact on the primary channel? I ask because I tend to only watch videos once, so that means if I've watched the early access on the second channel I won't click on the video once it's on the primary channel. Just a thought.

Herr Frodo Brömmelkamp

The way you describe the prince somewhat reminds me of Carrot Ironfoundersson.

Herr Frodo Brömmelkamp

I doubt it. The video linked here has (at the time of this comment) 229 views. That is laughably few compared to the 42.440 of the video on the main channel - 0,5%.


I heard about this book for the first time the day before your review came out so I knew I had to find it immediately lol


I have purchased the book, and currently reading, and am VERY MUCH enjoying it!! (currently at 26%). If you haven't tried any of Ursula Vernon's / T. Kingfisher's work, I highly recommend it! I had to read her latest, _Paladin's Strength_ before I could start _Raybearer_. (With your attraction to swords, you may like _Swordheart_. https://www.librarything.com/work/22538687 )

Mitch Thatcher

And another series for me to look into, just as soon as I finish Harrow then Ninth and Dark Lord of Derkholm.

Kelley Runyon

Watched this review with my husband and he bought the book for our Kindles as soon as the episode ended. Very much looking forward to reading it. Also, while I enjoy hilarious takes on shitty media as much as the next person, it is also really, really, really nice to see reviews of *great* media enthusiastically delivered! Thank you!

Katrina Trigari

I think half of my audio wishlist is now filled up with your recommendations.


You've probably already heard about it, but _Raybearer_ is nominated for the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book (Not a Hugo, but awarded at the same time...) https://discon3.org/whats-on/hugo-awards-wsfs/hugo-awards/ I am going to have a hard time deciding between this and T. Kingfisher's book, _A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking_...

Cosmic Somebody

I just fished reading this book, more I'm going to watch the video.