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Ok sooooo.... you know all that amazing stuff you guys built in the Minecraft server? Its kinda sorta.... gone now.

The save files got corrupted during the update to 1.9.

I'm hoping you'll all join me on the new server. As compensation for all your wasted time I can arrange for a week or two of creative mode so you can get back to the point you were at before.

I wanna apologise to Sassypants and Dusty in particular. Your creations will be sorely missed. 





How... how dare you! ;)

Dustin Angle

These things happen. It happened to my last serve too. Its just fun making things. Next time I go bigger with an ever larger throne!


Oooo, this would be a good chance to change up my labyrinth entrance. I'm thinking an open air hole in the ground. A temporary creative mode would be much appreciated though. The supply lose (and that stupid amount of diamond I'd gathered) is what kinda sucks, but shit happens. I've certainly never given up playing just beacause I fell in some lava :) The new update should be cool, looks like a bunch of new stuff.


It's too bad but I don't hate you. Minecraft servers are finicky with updates, I know. I think all of us who ever had a server had something similar happen to them.


Its the same ip as before, if you let me know when youll next be on i'll change your game mode


I have a few screenshots as a souvenir if anyone's interested.