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Merry Holidays y'all. Let's review some LGBTQ+ smut.


A Sexy Lumberjack Christmas Romance



I was JUST about to go to bed. Glad I stayed awake.


Merry Christmas dom! Discovering your channel was probably one of the highlights of this year for me


Whoa whoa whoa... Rantasmo ISN'T the Dragonzord?? I learn so much watching your videos!


Thanks Dom. Would you say it compares favorably to Happiest Season? Happy Holidays!


Excellent notification to wake up to with the added bonus that now I am awake. As a bisexual woman I would also like to add my personal view to the ‘fetishisation debate’. Lesbian sex gets fetishised a lot and me and past girlfriends have gotten a ton of inappropriate comments from randy males as a result, which made particularly me plenty uncomfortable, so I feel I have some experience on the matter. However, I still feel that there is fundamentally nothing wrong with it as...porn (or smutty romance) as long as it doesn’t creep into the real world to make real people uncomfortable. If that’s what gets your jollies off in the privacy of your own home - rock on you kinky highlanders, no judgement here. I mean, I sympathise. Two gorgeous women having lots of NSFW fun together is hot as hell. Now, I personally would actually be absolutely ecstatic, if the medium of lesbian porn was used to educate the predominantly het male masses on some of the issues the real live LGBTQA+ community faces. Absolutely ecstatic. I couldn’t care less what sexual orientation the screenwriter/director/who ever came up with this excellent idea has. As a result I can’t really agree with your judgement that it is an abuse of the issues the community faces to add artificial depth. Educating (provided of course the education is accurate, which in this case it seems to be) rather than just entertaining is a noble goal, no matter who does it, particularly if the education happens in a medium people actually consume. Right, now I will get off my soapbox. Disclaimer: a gay man’s perspective on this particular issues is obviously more valuable than mine, still I felt the need to add my 2 cents. Edited for the brain is not fully awake yet.


Rantasmo! Yay! Nice to see him around. Always makes me happy when people I like colab.


Twink Dom is adorable 💜

DK Jones

Rantasmo makes my day


There are men who write m/m romance! Alexis Hall and T.J. Klune are two big ones off the top of my head. [EDIT] I saw Dom's tweet and wanted to correct my criticism of Cullinan because while I am not a fan, I stand corrected on the LGBTQ+ part of my statement. I'll be more direct: Cullinan's book Antisocial is an incredibly uncomfortable read due to its treatment of a culture not Cullinan's own and soured me on the author.

Michael Drzyzga

It was nice to see the crossover with Rantasmo - I'd forgotten about his channel. And these sorts of questions have been on my mind - I've been laying the groundwork for a sci-fi novel, and after seeing a friend's post about bi erasure, I felt the urge to look at the romantic duo from the perspective of one gay character and one bi/pan/etc. character. At least at this point in brainstorming, it seems like it would be a case of representation, but not exploration of the unique struggles, I (a straight male) am not experienced with. But I suppose given the inspiration and a line I have planned, it will at least touch on bi erasure and the frustration of having one's orientation viewed through the lens of one's current relationship.


Wait I started watching this on YouTube and when I came back from Christmas Eve dinner it was gone?



Eustacia Vye

The verbal description reminded me of Tom Lender's introduction to his song "smut", his droll delivery of "Smut... I'm in favour of it."

Eustacia Vye

If you don't know who Tom Lehrer is, I recommend you discover his repertoire!


I always felt that the fetishisasion of male/male intercouse is one of the reasons it works for women. If you find the other gender attractive, what is hotter then more of people of that gender? I have also heard the Reasoning, that some women enjoy it, becasue it gives them the opportunity to enjoy reading sex, without the male gaze which gives a different kind of freedom. As a women who does enjoy male/male fiction, though more in visual form then written, both reasons always made a certain amount of sense to me Edit: Whether or not this fetishisasion is a good or bad thing is, I feel very case to case basis. I fo one very much despise the consent issue that many male/male mangas have and am always happy to find something with ethusiastic consent, because consent and healthy relazionships are SEXY!