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Just as bad as I was expecting.


The Sea of Monsters, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

A film that got more lost being adapted than any boat in the Bermuda triangle.



I love the multiple settings for the filter in this video. Everyone needs a Scottish one every now and then. And man, it would be great to see a movie with Tony Head and Nathan Fillion, just...not...this one.


Male Mary Sue has two names - Gary Stu and Larry Stu.


HAHA! LOVED the way you adapted (no pun intended) the filter joke at the beginning and end--really creative, and particularly apropos given that the first Percy Jackson review was its first appearance. Super kudos, also for not getting sucked into covering what you'd already covered in the last review, especially since this film did so much catch-up. Also, as Jami says, you can have Gary/Lary Stu, but originally "Mary Sue" could be applied to characters of either gender who were good at everything. (Actually, it used to be, at least in my recollection, that a "Mary Sue" character wasn't just any character who was good at everything, but a character who came in and was specifically better than other characters at their own specialty, or who always just happened to have all the specific knowledge/skills to address the particular situations that came up in that story.)


The filter gag was great! Also, robot zombie pigeons, I definitely need to read these books.

David Perez

Really loved the different filters in the review and you did quite a thorough review at that. I really loved the different filters. I must admit I did a complete spit take during the valley girl setting. I would volunteer a "Mexican" filter, but my spanish is atrocious. Also, a question to both Amy Reynolds and Jami, can you give some examples of Mary Sue characters in popular culture. Since Star Wars came out I have heard that phrase bandied about ad nauseum, but I must admit I don't have much knowledge of this trope.


Really enjoyed your analysis. Glad I didn't waste my time on the film. Thought the filter update was a great idea. Though for some reason I was expecting Reginald's voice to be a sexy female computer voice. Huh.

Ryan Towers

May I ask why the video is on private?


Can we please get a reupload of this, the way you did Howl's Moving Castle?


Can you make this video viewable for Patreons like you did with the Howl's Moving Castle video? I want to hear you talk about zombie Confederate steampunk submarines again.


Thank you the Dom