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New Moon, The Boring One



I wonder how much Meyers being a Mormon affected how badly this book was written.


Can't wait for Dom to turn on Jacob in Eclipse, because he definitely will. Lol


I feel so bad that you are team Jacob, because you see his true colors in these last 2 books. Anyway, I think the chapter when Edward leaves Bella is well written, mostly in terms of the emotion used. It dropped me in a pool of despair. I read it right before school and ended up staying home because I was too dad to do anything. I just laid around and cried all day. I felt like I was Bella. I just couldn't believe Edward would say all that and then leave her. Something that people don't recognize is that Edward never appreciated or accepted Bella's feelings for him, he never took her seriously. And Jacob is just an asshole, so it's like she should just be alone. A human friend to Vampires and Werewolves.

Lynda Ward

Thanks. While I have never had any desire to read Twilight or 50 Shades, it’s fascinating to listen to your analysis so that I might try to get some idea why these books are so popular. (Btw, speaking as a retired romance novelist, I just want to add how much I appreciate hearing someone discuss the romance genre with intelligence and respect, regardless of whether or not you actually enjoy the individual book. Believe me, such an attitude is rare.)


"Why are there no pockets on this dress?" I felt that in my soul


Great breakdown of the book. :-) I'm really enjoying these even as someone who enjoys the secondary characters and has been following Twilight news long enough to have heard all the reasons the core "romance" is aweful. Quick typo: At timestamp 26:28 you say Jacob when refering to Edward.


Your reaction to denying Jacob’s later behavior is exactly how Twilight fans feel


17:24 Oh my gosh the whole presenting affection in a joking manner. This was my college years. As usual, Dom, you say what I am thinking and I am so grateful to you.


I have three dresses with pockets and it brings so much joy.


Oh dear, you probably won't be Team Jacob after you read the next book.


Love this! I’m so excited to get to Eclipse (Leah is one of the only good characters in these books).


Yes. You said "in the absence of Jacob" instead of Edward. Maybe you can fix it before you upload the episode to the official channel.


Honestly, Bella's thoughts about what would happen if she went to therapy wouldn't bother me so much if people in the actual book tried to tell her that wasn't how it worked? Because, honestly, before my own experiences with it, I thought something similar.


The Boring One-Spoken like a man who never read Breaking Dawn....


“It’s fine, it’ll be fine, he’s just having an off day” Eclipse: it was not fine and he was not having an off day 😂


The vampire leaders maintain the masquerade by slaughtering whole tour groups? Do no human authorities follow up on that? You’d think at best visits to their city would go way down

Paul ferancik

“Romeo and Juliet was garbage too. Come at me Shakespeare bro’s.” Me: okay. Your looking at Romeo and Juliet with modern day perspectives of relationships. That’s why you don’t like it. Yes, their relationship is unhealthy. Yes, it’s silly to get married after one short date. Yes, Romeo is an obsessive, out of control maniac who forgets he was madly in love with another girl mere hours before meeting Juliet. But you know what? That’s what turned people on back then. And it’s not the relationship between the two that keeps this story alive today. It’s the fact that their familys hated each other so much that they inadvertently killed their own children, while the children COULD have brought the families to peace and unity with their marriage. The ending scene where montague and capulet finally make peace is both beautiful and heartbreaking because they had to lose their only kids in order to do it. That is why this story will live on and be told and retold over and over again...... but personally I prefer othello.

E. P. Haury

Wait, does the movies series bring up the loss of souls that Dom mentioned? Mike, Kevin, or Bill might have been speaking over any time it was discussed (or I might've forgotten), but I don't remember soullesness being addressed in the films. Is this "The Little Mermaid" all over again? Also, the most important question: Does the book actually talk any more about what the movie "Face Punch" is like?


In his defense, Breaking Dawn at least has several plot points that people definitely remember coming from it? Meanwhile, I couldn't remember what happened in this book vs what happened in the next one.


Perfect title. Good thing you waited.


Hey! Great video. Thank you for being respectful. I agree with everything you said. ... Try not to be too let down when Jacob does a two-face in reaction to Edward coming back.


Romeo and Juliet is trash and that is a hill I will gladly die on


“Romeo and Juliet is garbage too.” There is a hot take worthy of its own video.


Oh our dear sweet Dom you have no idea of the da fucks coming in your future.


Ah yes, the murmuring. I had almost forgotten it...almost.

Micaela Sparrow

This is the last of the Twilight books I read, I couldn't make myself pick up the next one. I also ended up on Team Jacob after reading, in the sense that I wanted him to run off and find someone else, because he deserved better than Bella.


Same with me. At that time I couldn't describe exactly why I disliked it so much and told everyone who asked, that Bella just got too "stupid" for me in this book. I meant the actions and Dom nailed perfectly what I meant by it.


Romeo and Juliet is meant to be a warning about young love being stupid. So yeah Bella does fit Juliet.


Shoutout to Meyer for assassinating Jacob's character to make Edward even remotely appealing as a love interest in the rest of the series! (and by shoutout I mean thanks, I HATE it)

Diego Valdes

Got surfshark using your code. Thanks man!

Diego Valdes

Hes said before that his to do list is full up. If you pay to be on a certain tier you can make requests.

Diego Valdes

As a teen, I hated Leah. As an adult, I think she and Charlie are the only good characters.


I think you might have a misspeak at 26:27, you say "in the absence of Jacob" but I think you probably mean "in the absence of Edward"


Thank you for not making statements about Bella being excessively "weak" or "pathetic" as a person because she was struggling. Even if some of her thought processes are flawed, it always bothered me when other critics would talk about how "meek" she is in this part of the story. The woman clearly has severe clinical depression and mental illness doesn't make somebody inherently weak. It always rubbed me the wrong way when critics made that claim. I wish that Meyer had taken a slightly different angle with the refusal to be in therapy. It would have been so easy and so much better. It also would have highlighted Bella's selflessness. Her fear about being thrown in a padded cell does exactly what you say it does-- shows a lack of support for therapy and it's necessity in people's lives. Meyer could have very easily just argued that she was bound to secrecy for other reasons. Bella knew about the Volturi at this point and she probably doesn't want the rest of his family to be killed. She also directly promised secrecy at a prior point. I always think about it in this alternative context and it makes me feel more sympathetic. As in, even if she wanted help, she can't ever talk about what happened to her to anyone ever. That It's probably incredibly lonely and you wonder if she could ever truly recover while having to keep so much inside for forever. Again, that's not really the way Meyer presents it but it's what I have always gotten from the situation because it's not an impossible conclusion. It also plays into her connection with Jacob because it's the only time she's ever able to get any of it out.

Diego Valdes

Is anybody else worried about him? I was expecting Eclipse to come out sunday- is Dom okay or did Jacob going crazy give him a heart attack?