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Due to time issues I had to play a little fast and lose with the nominations. If I missed one of yours my deepest apologies.

Will make sure I set aside more time for the next one.


A Christmas Carol, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

With too many different films to choose from The Dom attempts a different approach to this episode of Lost in Adaptation.





Just about to get to the end I got "an error occurred." :-( But the majority of what I did see I loved. And damn it, I need to see the one with Patrick Stewart cause I love that dude too. He's the reason I gave Shakespeare a second chance after my Freshman English teacher ruined him for me.

Serpen Thrope

Nice! Your review has convinced me that there's a lot more variation than Irealized, but I'm still excited to see how Carey weighs in in the other categories. Lol.,


Very nice! and oddly I'm not upset that Scrooged was taken out. I am glad that now I have two or three new ones to watch before Christmas, and can't wait for the next part. Feliz Navidad, Prospero Ano y felicidad.


Boooooooo Scrooged rules.


Do you foresee yourself doing Hogfather next year?


Marvellous job! Thank you for wading through all the Christmas schmultz for us. :) I hope that the 25th of December is a good day for you.

Kim Huett

I've really enjoyed the DomOscars so far and am looking forward to the second half of them. I really like the idea of these becoming a regular Christmas presentation. If you do decide to go down this route I for one wouldn't mind you having a second bite of the cherry in regards to Dracula. It would be very interesting to see a list of 'best of' characters (but to be honest, mainly to see who gets nominated for 'Best Dracula').

David Perez

For someone who clearly has a few issues with this holiday, I found this very Chirstmasy! You captured the essence in this comparison and I have to say, it made me really want to see the shows again. I'm sorry that this holiday was ruined for you, but I will say that I hope you are having a good day and that hopefully the rest of the season is full of joy! Can't wait for the next part!


Great video! Really enjoyed your analysis of these characters especially your thoughts on the Jim Carrey one as I haven't seen it yet. One question, if you can, if you could pick any ghost of things yet to be which would you pick?