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I can't make it on the outside boss.


The Shawshank Redemption, Lost in Adaptation

The Steven king adaptation redemption too.



Perfection as always, The Dom. I'm beginning to realize, I'm the only one of your supporters who doesn't have their last name up there. You don't HAVE to put my full name if it's just easier to say "Jami." Because my full name is Jami JoAnne Russell. And that's a bit long. Call me JJ and I will hurt you. I usually include the JoAnne because if I used "Jami Russell" or "Jami J. Russell" people think I'm a guy. :-/


I've been using peoples Patreon usernames unless otherwise instructed atm. I can change it to whatever you wish :)


Loverly episode! I've had a ton of fun with these nanos, and you seem to have gotten the hang of making them actually "nano." ;) It's neat to see an example of a super-faithful adaptation resulting in a great movie--a nice answer to something like Ender's Game.


You put the "What they didn't change" title in where it should say "what they changed"