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Had more then I expected to say on this one. Future nanos may not be the same length.


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

The Dom's guilty pleasure film and the book that sired it. This mini episode turned out a little longer than I expected. They may not all be the same length.



AH! I'm in the car right now - don't worry. I'm not driving, but I have to wait on watching. *sobs*

David Perez

Man, I really liked this. Just judging from your review of the book, I agree with your assessment. It is a shame that the movie did not do as well cause it looks like the book left a good opening for a sequel. Personally I would love a series that teams Clinton and Reagan as monster hunters! That would be all kinds of awesome! On a kind of related side note, have you ever seen those Presidential portraits as badass superheros? Particularly like Teddy Roosevelt.


So I broke down and watched this in the car on my phone. I couldn't wait. Reason I didn't want to do that is because I don't have headphones for my phone and I know you curse - I was in the car with my parents and my mom is very anti-cursing. So her input was "Not nice" because you said "Mother fucking." LOL Anyway - YAY! IT WAS ALMOST PERFECTION! I say "almost" because not enough Rufus Sewell and his magic soul stealing eyes. ;-) On a side note, in the original folklore before Hollywood took over silver was a major vampire killer. I know everyone thinks that it's only for werewolves but the only time I've seen silver mentioned in werewolf folklore is as a cure - strike a transformed werewolf between the eyes with a silver blade and you'll break their curse. Silver was for killing vampires. Werewolves could die by many means including old age, disease, drowning, dismemberment, etc. BUT if they died of any of those they'd come back as a vampire! So my theory is if you kill a werewolf with silver that will prevent them from rising as a vampire. (You know, if they were real.) Wooden stakes were really just for pinning the vampire in their grave. You still had to cut off their head and burn them otherwise if someone removes the stake they come right back. And even with the stake in their body their soul can still go around and give you nightmares or orgasms to feed off your psychic energy so long as their head remained attached to their body. Other ways to pin them in their grave was an iron spike through the head or a thorn through their tongue pinning it to the roof of their mouth. Still trying to talk a historian/folklorist friend into writing "Teddy Roosevelt: Werewolf Slayer." So far no go.


DUDE. WHERE IS THIS ESSAY? I neeeeeed to read this essay! AWESOME review, by the way--I really really really enjoyed it (although Jami's right--everything could be improved by more Rufus Sewell). Looking forward to getting even more of these, of whatever length!

David Perez

I always thought Rufus Sewell was destined for much greater things after Dark City, never understood why he never really caught on in Hollywood. I think he has quite a presence.

Dominic Ford

What is this? A nano for giants?