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Hey all

I'm taking a quick break from all things vampire for a quick video about the best and worst adaptations I've covered so far.

If there's any suggestions or predictions feel free to let me know.

LiA playlist:

Much love



You have to mention goblet of fire as one of the worst


Im gonna guess Hunger Games trilogy for Best (in terms of loyalty) and probably iRobot for Worst cuz it just wasnt an adaptation AND it insulted the book.


Would this be discounting in name only? Or would iRobot be on the list since it insulted its origins?


Hunger Games or Princess Bride will be one of the best, I think?


If Percy Jackson isn't one of the worst, I'll be very surprised. Hunger Games must be one of the best I think!


Hitchhiker's guide and Percy Jackson are probably the worst adaptations just because they missed the entire point of the source material


I love The Hobbit. And I'm still waiting for that LOTR. I know this will sound super weird but I'm not even a fan of Tolkien. I just really like the video you did. Maybe it's because I'm a fan of whimsical stories and was really hoping The Hobbit would give it to me (but no, we got a LOTR prequel). As for the others...they're good. I'm not sure what I'd rank as worst but I saw your shows in order and they've only been getting better. But what book/movie is just absolutely bad is 50 Shades. Not your videos, mind you. They were great. Just a bad series of books/movies that advocate and glorify being in an abusive relationship.

Caleb Pickett

Percy Jackson and the Hobbit movies come to mind for worst, Princess Bride and The Godfather for best would be some of my votes. The Shining and Die Hard might not be the most accurate adaptations, but the are some of the best films ever made.


But, you mean in the sense of which episodes of LIA we think you did a better or worse job with? Or which book to movie adaptations of the ones you have covered are the best and worse?


So wait, are you asking for the "best and worse of LIA", or the "best and worst adaptations covered by LIA"?


Those 50 shades videos better be mentioned somewhere, they need to be honored properly.


Due to the phrasing I'd say it means the quality of the adaptations themselves (especially since that other ranking would go a bit like: "so in conclusion my early videos were my worst and the quality has been steadily rising ever since")


Yeah, those are surely ging to be quite high in their respective versions, posibly with "hitchiker's guide" among the bottom dwellers


Anything with Terrence should be in the best category.


Goblet of Fire, because you need to know about the book to understand what's happening.

Colin Raiden-McRae

Best:Princess Bride, Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, Scott Pilgrim, 50 Shades(you even said it was way better than the books). Worst: Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, Eragon, Phantom of the Opera, Half Blood Prince.

E. P. Haury

This is judged solely on the quality of the adaptation? So something terrible adapted accurately into something just as terrible could quality for the number one spot? Or is the independent quality of the end result a factor?


Worst is Starship Troopers. If respect for the source is the prime component of a good adaptation then Verhoeven's movie is a crime


IMO, anything that fell under 'in name only' would be fair game for a worst adaptation- though that's not to say that if it was In Name Only it actually IS one of the worst adaptations out there, and that if it isn't INO it isn't one of the worst. Fifty Shades definitely is making the list on the worst, and like everyone else I feel like the Princess Bride will be making an appearance on the best.

Stella Bella

Howl's Movie Castle, Ella Enchanted, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. All of those movies made me extremely angry at how book innacurate they are, like 10/11 angry. Ella Enchanted was the first LIA I saw and it made me realize how much I would love your content because of how many points I've struggled to communicate to people who love the movies were summed up so plainly and I spent all of the Hitchhiker's LIA basically yelling 'EXACTLY' at the screen.


Best and worst production or content wise? The latter is interesting, but the former would be a look at what you felt about them.


I think the Who framed Roger Rabbit? Review is quiet a good one to watch.

Exquisite Williams

Can the fifty shades trilogy have their own category in this video?


I'm gonna throw out Shawshank Redemption for best adaptation. Godfather's up there but might lose because it only adapts part of the book. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Last Unicorn, and Coraline were all pretty faithful too. As for worst, I think I, Robot takes it. It's the one that seems to have the least to do with its source material. Even the Starship Troopers and RED movies took more from their sources.


Best IRobot because I didn’t know that it took its title from a far superior book and I read it because of that review.


Percy Jackson, hands down