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Sorry if its sounds a bit like I had a pair of golf balls shoved up each nostril in this episode. Came down with a nasty cold at just the wrong time.


The Dom Reviews: The Prisoner, The General & Many Happy Returns

Life hacks and spontaneous raptures. The Dom returns to The Village to see how Number 6 is getting on. Support the show to see episodes early and hang out with The Dom: https://www.patreon.com/DomSmith?ty=h



My first Patreon-sponsored episode and it is of an obscure (in the States) Bond-like show shot like "Willy Wonk and the Chocolate Factory" and stars a man with a number for a name who has romantic tension with another number for a name, does not know how to live on the sea (clearly needs to attend the Costner School of Waterworld Piss-Drinking Survival), and has a birthday that would make the Twilight Zone say WTF...Best. Money. Spent. Love you Dom! <3 (P.S. Rover/Dom is my OTP, sorry 6/12)


I got to thinking as I watched this - despite the lack of Bruce Campbell (who was born in 1958 and American so he never would've been in this anyway LOL) this show seems way more fun than Burn Notice. That made me think of that episode of Burn Notice, Past & Future Tense, where Burt Reynolds plays a burned spy in the early stages of Alzheimer's - which made me think, as cruel as it might seem, the Island sounds like a good play to send spies who are suffering from that, dementia, or various forms of mental illness which puts them and the secrets they know at risk. Which means, what if all the inconsistencies and such aren't for the reasons you think, but because our hero is actually a patient, not a prisoner, and this is really all in his head?


Thats totally one of the theories I'm going to discus in the next episode! :D


Glad you liked it. The Prisoner can be an acquired taste ^_^

Dominic Ford

I enjoyed your marriage joke, Dom.

Meg Scrabble

You didn't sound that bad, though. I really wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything.