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The first video in a long time that isn't a review. Hope you enjoy it.


The Tragic Story Behind The Worst Fantasy Book Every Written

Why I chose not to make fun of The Eye Of Argon by Jim Theis Support the show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DomSmith?ty=h Dom on Facebook: https://www....



Thank you for this, and for bringing more attention to this story.


I heard about this story a few years back but had no idea about its back story.


Thank you, Dom. This is why I voted for Connecticut Yankee over the other options in your last poll, and I'm glad to see you agree.


What a sad story. He does sound exactly like so many fanfic writers, only without the protection of a penname. Poor kid. I never heard about the end of Rebecca Black's story either. Thanks for raising awareness!


This is why people need to stop labeling art in any form as "objectively" good or bad, whether it be printed or visual. Calling the consumption of art "objective" is inherently wrong, and it gives people the excuse to judge the creator's character rather than simply reflect on their own experiences with it.

Utaku Beta

I knew the story of his passing. It is sad that he was so crushed. It's also a pity that no one thought to sit him down and remind him he WAS PUBLISHED. Also the notation is Worst PUBLISHED story ever. Another sad note is that no one ever pointed out how much joy he brought to people. The Eye of Argon, is mind breakingly hilarious to read. It is IMHO the ultimate definition of "So bad it's good". It is also a terrible crime that he never saw any profit from his work.


Published without his consent, though. I doubt those words would have helped. (Unless you mean the fanzine, which would have had a very, very small circulation if those adults had kept to their lane.)


There is something incredibly unsettling about the whole concept of unconscious bullying and in how many different permutations it can occur. A victim of bullying in various forms myself, this is not a pleasant mirror to look into, that I have undoubtedly engaged in the same behaviour, but thank you for pushing me to look.


You are such a great person by telling us this story. For things like that you are my favourite youtuber. It is a very sad story.

Olga Drozd

I kinda disagree because I come from opposite angle to it. It is "objectively" bad (I mean, from what I heard in this video, I never encounter this work before) with errors and so on. But it's not something that we should mark as "wrong". What I wanted to say is that you can laugh and/or criticize a work but shouldn't do that to author. Like Dom said, it's funny to laugh at E.L.James 'cause she doesn't acknowledge her work can be damaging and it's kinda above all that, but it's much less funny to laugh at minor on wattpad. Though both can be "objectively" bad


That poor poor man. I hope that there was some kind of happiness somewhere in his life. I am definitely going to think twice about what I post online now.

Salvatore Cucinotta

I tend to look for 3 things in the media I consume. One of those is Compassion, and this demonstrated a lot of compassion and understanding, as well as maturity. Very cool to see all around. Also, PERFECT pronunciation on my last name!


Good balance. Give yourself some credit, you have the makings of an investigative journalist. Also, I <3 The Llama King! Can we have t-shirts?


This story hurts. I was out of the loop with Friday, but I've definitely been a part of dramatic readings of My Immortal with some not very kind commentary about the author. This puts that behavior in a new light for me, and I don't like what I see.


The Lama King returns!!


One of the things I enjoy so much about your videos is how you are kind, empathic and you try to make the world a little bit better. Thank you for being such a good example for everyone out there, while also making great reviews.