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Right then... I'd better start looking into flights to the U.S.    :D

Or possibly canada as I really want to go to Con Bravo.

I love you guys ^_^



Congrats on your Milestone Dom!, and on my birthday no less. :D, hope you enjoy any/all con's you go to.

LS Greger

Does that mean a motel room crossover may be in the future? Congrats on the milestone!


Congratulations! Hope I'll be lucky enough that our con schedules overlap.


Too bad this didn't happen a couple weeks ago. I would have loved to see you at Alamo City!


JOY AND HAPPINESS!!! :D Congratulations, good sir--I certainly hope you land somewhere in range when you do come. :)

Brandon Beamish

Yes, come to Canada! We'll go get Timmies and poutine in a mild 10 feet of summer snow, upon a sled pulled by eight strong huskies raised on rum and seal. Ha ha, but seriously great work Dom! Hope to see you at a con soon!


I've been trying to figure out a way to set up my green screen in those things. Lightings going to be the main concern.

David Perez

Congratulations, c'mon down to Texas...we'll introduce you to a botana!


Ya might like it here in Washington, we got rain, and longboards...that's about it


Yes come to Con Bravo! Great Con!

Dominic Ford

Will you come visit us Aussies sometime too?


Hells yeah. If you can promise to keep any animals or bugs that could kill me at an acceptable distance XD


*whispers temptation* California.... Disneyland....


Hurray! Con Bravo is reachable for me! I'd be very happy to meet you! I recommend Australia if you can afford it someday. I've been there 3 times and I'm still alive ;-). It's a gorgeous country, really!


Parabéns! (as the country that adopted me for a year says). Can't wait to see you reach the next milestone!


CONBRAVO!!! Congrats the Dom! You really do get better with every video :)

Steve Harper

Hopefully I'll get to see you at a UK con at some point, too. Grats on hitting this target.