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Sorry its a little late. Being Space Jesus is time consuming.


Blade Runner, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Better late than never.



outstanding review ! You get better each time :)


Maybe it's the British accent but there's something about the way you say "Hello Beautiful Watchers" that makes it sound fresh, new, and sincere every time instead of the usual shtick. Having not read the book nor seen the movie that's about all I can say about the video.


I agree with Daihatschi. You are getting better with each video! This was a very good one! Granted, it's about two works I know and enjoyed. Thank you! Now I'll go watch the movie again :)

David Perez

That was fantastic. I realize I had forgotten far more about the book than I thought. You did a great job that I'm actually at a loss to speak to anything about it other than praise. It's good to know Minority Report and Total Recall are on their way! I think I'll be watching the flick again this weekend. Sounds like something good to do on a rainy Saturday.


I hope you can forgive me for snerking uncontrollably through your entire opening monologue. ;) That said--fantastic review!


Since we are on Sci-Fi... any chance you do Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?


Its on my to do list but.... I have serious rage issue when it comes to that film.


As an adaptation? yeah... I thought it was a fun movie regardless though. Now "Hearts in Atlantis" there is an "adaptation" that makes me want to stab someone in the neck.