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2 minutes and 10 seconds. 2 freaking minutes and 10 fucking seconds into Howls Moving Castle and I had to pause the film and sit silently dumbfounded. My brain figuratively overloaded. What have I got myself into?!?!





Sounds like you are going to be pissing some people off. :)

Brandon Beamish

Howl's isn't exactly my favourite Ghibli film but it can't be that bad. Unless you talking about it being really different from the book's source material. Like I heard they changed up a bit (especially for time constraints) but that much?


Something tells me I know which section is going to clock in the shortest


Sounds like my reaction to Ponyo. (Besides finding it over rated and boring.) It's why I haven't bothered with the rest of his works.


Yeah, this is one that's gonna need a few viewings. You seeing now what I said about cultural differences? Let me know if I can help suss things. :)


welcome to Miyazaki films, you'll eventually love them.... or your brain will completely shut down for your own protection

David Perez

I'm actually a pretty big fan of Miyazaki flicks. My Neighbor Totoro is a personal favorite. Howl is not one that I have seen more than once and I honestly was not that impressed by it. However, the fact that it comes from a literary source that I was unaware of makes me want to take a second look. If you do want to see him at his best I really recommend Spirited Away...that one is fantastic!

LS Greger

Let me guess, you are referring to how the movie doesn't even correlate with the book how Howl and Sophie first meet?


The Dom fears no one, bring it Ghibli fans! (I do like the movie though)


Whereas I agree with you on Ponyo, that is a very poor way to judge someone's work. Try at least three movies, and if you still don't like it then by all means have your own opinion. but that is like judging an entire series based on one episode. you may be right and that episode reflects the series accurately, or you may have just watched the bad one.


I'm feeling really nervous; weebs and squeebs tend to get super defensive of their god; but the flaws must be addressed! BE BRAVE THE DOM!