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Really glad I listened to David and made some small changes to this. A few people started making Blue Beetle related rants but having him in here is a good cut off (Also see end credits).


A Beginner's Guide to Watchmen

Just in case Alan Moore's scary face stopped you from reading/watching it. Unlike the Dune episode, this guide takes canon from the novel AND the film. Be aware this video contains blue buttocks and some scenes of violence.


LS Greger

Thanks for the credit, but I think David Perez deserves way more credit than me. Most of my information on Blue Beetle came from Linkara's tribute to Blue Beetle and I just let my thoughts know that Blue Beetle has a small but vocal fan base (His story arc on the last Booster Gold comic was great). But anyway, thanks for credit and keep up the great work!

David Perez

Thanks for the shout out! That really made my day. Looking forward to the 2nd part of your review. I had totally forgotten the big change in endings between the book and movie. I think it was mostly due to the fact that the ending was basically the same, the way it got there was different.