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Sorry I had to split this into 2 parts. Although if anyone asks its was all on purpose! Huzzah!


Lost in Adaptation: Watchmen (Part 1)

It appears by expectations of copyright doom were unfounded.


Kim Huett

Reading a magazine! Hah!


I've only read the graphic novel so I know nothing about the movie. You should add a new reward at this rate - a chance for a cameo in the review of your choice.

LS Greger

The movie's ending was better???????? That's it, I am pulling my Patreon support...Just kidding. Like I said before, the movie's ending has grown on me. The comic book ending would have been a little too.....comic bookie (is that a word?) Are we gonna get another cameo in part 2?


Another thing in the film I didn't like is how the heroes seemed way too powered. The fight scene towards the beginning stood out for that. Like the physically impossible moves and the lack of getting hurt. These are supposed to be masked vigilantes, not superheroes. I haven't seen the film since it was in theatres, but I just remember the graphic novel doing a much better job of showing them as real people doing this. (you know what comic book adaptation did a great job of that? Netflix's Daredevil. Watching that just reminded me of how much this movie messed up on that) I also completely disagree with you about the end. So much. But I will wait to hear your reasoning before debating.


List of things I adore in this review: 1. You've gotten good enough at the effects to hit yourself in the head with a book in such a way that looks believable--LOVE that part. 2. "Do the thing!" 3. Owl credit card. 4. The Dom bunker. 5. Dat ending. :D P.S. Not a huge fan of the music playing while you're talking--it's just loud enough to make it a little hard to hear you.


Daredevil has definitely set the standard by which I now judge superhero fights.


Lol, I love that you needed to say five positive things before you could bring yourself to say the negative one. Yeah sound levels are the bane of my existence. I spend hours going over it with speakers AND headphones and its still fucked at the end XD. Its my kryptonite (along with my criminal lack of research).


Yeah the next one will hopefully be longer. Believe it or not Doug was actually just a last minute spur of the moment thing. He's so cool with stuff like that. I was all "Hey, will you be in my video" and straight away he responded with "Yes. What do you need and when?" and I KNOW his ass is crazy busy right now so that was pretty awesome.

David Perez

it's really hard to put in words how much I love this series. That being said, and I am so sorry I'm such a freaking comic nerd, but Owlman was never intended as a parody of Batman. He does not fit the standard Batman archetype of a vengeance driven hero. He is a second generation hero that seemingly did it more out of adventure than a drive for "justice"! I really shouldn't nitpick. I really agree with your point of leaving things out to create better narrative for the film. Compare the first Harry Potter film to the third and you can see how the spirit is better captured, whilst not necessarily fitting in every character or plot point. That being said, how did you like Watchmen overall. This is a seminal work of comic fiction that did a lot to start establishing visual art as a legitimate storytelling form. The Dark Knight Returns and Maus are probably the only other books that are as highly regarded to this day. Sandman is another, but that is an entire series and not just one story. Again, I am very pleased with your work and seeing that I have a notice of a new video is a high point of the day. Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

Dominic Ford

Will graphic novel Lost in Adaptations become a more common thing in this series now? I ask because there is some films based on graphic novels that I would love to see you cover.


Lol. You don't need to apologise for being a comic book fanatic. I think Amy's right, I will probably be appealing to you for comic advice when I come to do stuff like Wanted (FUCKING LOOM). In regards to Night Owl..... His symbol is a notional creature that see's with sonar, he has no actual powers but makes up for it with ass kicking, he has a cave/warehouse full of expensive gadgets and he has a vehicle that's designed around his animal motif.... are you sure he's not a LITTLE bit batman?


I think this is one of the best ones you've done! Your humor is always spot-on and there was a lot of weight in this review making it a blast to watch! Great work amigo!

David Perez

I really should add that, as we have seen with the Watchmen LIA, your take on the comic is actually fresh and unbiased. You come to the written work from a fresh perspective. While you may not know every nuance of the back stories of the stories you compare, that can sometimes make the review come from a pretty interesting point of view. Very unbiased, actually. And I find that in comparing comics to screen, that can work very well in your favor.


Thank you for the birthday present Dom! (And sorry that it took me this long to comment.) This is a great first part - I am ubber excited for part 2! I am particularly happy about the Nostalgia Critic cameo as I hope it will help grow your support base so we can see more videos! You are so right about Alan Moore looking scary lol I know he didn't like the 'V for Vendetta' movie but I liked it a lot. Not more than the comic, about the same for different reasons. 'Watchmen' is an interesting story and I am glad it was your first comic book episode since both versions have solid content and impressive visuals.


Happy Borningday Kenglan! July kids for the win am I right? (Mines this sunday).


Can't wait till the next one that I'm in. Super excited.