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No more heroes. An "edgy" graphic novel becomes a modecore film.


Wanted, Lost in Adaptation ~ Dominic Noble



Was looking forward to this one, and you do not disappoint. Lovely review, Dom. Thank you!

Robin Isomaa

Personally, I love the film. I know it's silly, but it's fun and features some great actors, although not giving their best performances. It feels wrong to defend it, but I can't help it. It's one of my favorite action films.


Not going to lie, the base premise of the comic (Super villains took over after defeating superheros and remaking the world and altering reality) actually sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing it done correctly/better.


Night Watch is an adaptation; will you do that one sometime in the future?


I rather liked Wanted the movie. I felt the loom was stupid but over all, I liked the action.