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The end of season one at last. Made it JUST before the end of the whole darn show...


Game of Thrones S1 E10, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



Oh, the Gendrya.... the Gendrya. I pity your comment section when this goes public.


I’d like to see Shae if that’s fine with you. I shudder to think what’s going to happen when this gets out to YouTube

Matthew Abbott

Mmm...if you’re not going to go episode by episode I think I’d much prefer you to go book by book in a more traditional LiA format. I mean, I’d like you to keep doing GoT content, so I’d be fine with the character studies, but I think I’d like a more holistic approach more.


These are great shows, thank you :) It does bother me hearing "fuck you Catelyn Stark" every time though. I don't love her either, but it's distracting to hear every single time. (I'm sorry my first comment here is negative! There's just so much good in your channel that it's jarring, but I hope the feedback is useful (in general for other LiA/review vids).) On first thought I'd most like to see an episode about Robb, but I haven't read enough of the books to get why Shae would be so interesting as to put at the top of the list. I'm guessing there's a lot of complicated things going on with her? Maybe more than with Robb? Either would be good, but now I'm thinking I vote Shae.


I gotta say I disagree with your interpretation of Mirri Maaz Duur's motives. You basically make the same assessment as Daenerys does, thinking that MMD betrayed her and murdered both her son and Drogo. But from the way I read the chapter, she never says that this is the case. She didn't betray Dany, and she tried her best to cure Drogo. The reason she failed wasn't because she wanted him dead, it was because Drogo was an idiot who drank wine when she told him not to, and tore off her bandages and poultices and rubbed dirt in the wound. MMD only resorted to the magic shit lastly, and then it was because Dany pestered her so. And it was Dany (technically Jorah) who walked her into MMD's medical tent when the ritual was ongoing. From my perspective, MMD did her job and tried her hardest, and when things were done she was just honest and didn't pretend that it was some bad thing that the murderous warlord was dead and his prophecised, even-worse son with him. Revealing that there are still hard feelings from the way she was raped and had her people exterminated by Danys husband isn't the reveal of a schemer and manipulator's "master plan". It is just an airing of grievances that didn't happen earlier simply because everyone who serves Dany is scared shitless of her and especially of her husband. So yeah. Dany thinking that MMD is the first of the three betrayals she is prophecied to suffer is kinda just her being a narcisist.

Robin Isomaa

"...if people are interested..." - That's probably the smallest "if" ever. While I'd prefer you looking at the books individually, as has been suggested by another patron, I'll understand if you don't have the time or will to make those kind of videos, as it would probably take a lot of time. Ï'll be happy with whatever GoT content you decide to make. I trust your judgement.


On board with the character summary idea


oh please do keep this going. i personally do vote for shay, because i couldn't make up my mind about the show version of her


O Please do more of this! I'm very torn about Shay or Rob. Shay was more completely changed, but the changes to Rob do more to differentiat his death from book to show.... I think I would preferr Rob for now

Rialla Sheng

I'd prefer to see Robb before Shay myself, and while you won't be doing episode by episode, I do hope that you'll do a season(s)-to-book LiA as I think that'd be very interesting


I'd like to see a video about Shae, I think that would be interesting.


This episode says it's number 9, not 10. Just encase you don't notice it before it goes to Youtube. Also, I'm happy with the character break down if it makes your job easier

Graeme Johnson

If your clarification for character studies is because they're dead, I suspect that many people. whether on Patreon or Youtube, will ask you to talk about 'fuck you' Catelyn Stark more than any other character I can think of, especially in regards to the whole Lady Stoneheart character from the books. (Plus its been established with a certain book and film trilogy that people like seeing you suffer, so asking you to talk about a character you've verbally shown a dislike for would be schadenfreude for them.)


i also want to throw my two cents in and say that if you continue, i agree with the suggestion of some of those above that a book by book/season by season comparison would better track the growing divergence from the source material than a character by character comparison


On board with the idea for a continuation in the suggested format, Rob and Shae are both fine in my opinion, slight edge to Shae. What I 'really' want is a look at interesting minor houses. For instance a look at the Mormont family rather than just Jorah (once the show's over)


Obviously I'd have liked for you to continue in this format, especially since the second season is where we start actually getting more noteworthy changes from the book, but I can understand why the character studies would be easier to handle. Either Robb or Shae would be interesting, no real preference there.


Definitely interested in a video about Shae. She was initially one of the changes I liked, then it all went to hell when she got her book ending anyway. It wouldn’t really work because there isn’t a show counterpart for her, but something about Arianne Martell would be interesting too. Maybe talking about how Margery in the show is more like Arianne than her book self or something.


Aww, it's too bad to see this show going away, Dom of Ice and Fire was the reason I joined the Patreon in the first place, Still, I always want more GoT content! I guess I'd vote for Robb, but Shae seems interesting too.

Matthew Abbott

She didn’t have a master plan, but when she had the opportunity to use her spells to punish her captors she was pretty damned explicit that she did exactly what she meant to.


I would like to see this series continue. But yeah I have come to despise the show-runners. They put drama above everything else and starting from season 5 onwards, the show devolved into self-insert fanfiction.