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A look at The War of the Worlds through the ages.


The War of the Worlds, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



Robert Goddard 1882-1882?


I'm now caught in a query because of you. Do all the British say "Haych" for "H" or is this your diction? Americans say Aych, which is very similar to saying eight, but with the "ch" at the end. I'm bringing this up because I'm realizing how silly Aych truly is, even though I have no intention to stop saying it that way.


Given that the Aliens were on Earth to claim the planet for themselves, eliminating biological fauna material, while leaving other material intact, was likely an effort to limit collateral damage to their new home. Or Spielberg was paying homage to the 'God saved us' thing from the previous film and using Rapture imagery.


The new format, eh. It's different and this is the internet so some people will over react to it. Personally, I prefer your previous format but have no problems with this new setup.


New format is fine but I do like hearing more about the changes so....I'm fine with either you use.


Oh, Dom, you are gonna have soooooo many Mary Shelley fans shrieking at you in the comments.


I like the new format, it gives more opportunities to say interesting things. However, it would probably work better on very good or very influential books to be adapted, not ordinary airport novels

Chelsea Monk

I think you would have to play it by ear. Some books with multiple adaptations (especially when they are mostly in name only) may suit this new format better. Where as others probably the old format is fine. Unless you wanted to do the Dom oscars again to look how the adaptions have evolved over the year. But at the end of the day its whatever you feel most comfortable doing,.

Gerda Strobl

A mention of the series from the 1980s would have been nice, other than that this format works fine for me, I would say. :)

E. P. Haury

The Dom mentions having to switch planets because we now know there's no life on Mars, and now I hope someone put John Carter on his list. (Not me. I already have a lot of titles I'm hoping to ask for eventually, and my first one hasn't gotten to the front of the line, yet.)

Jo and Gareth

I like the new format, but I did have some feedback on the new intro now that I’ve seen it a few time. There’s nothing wrong with it - visuals, audio and editing are all good - but I think it’s better when you’re featured in it. For me the biggest selling point over other similarly themed shows in the host. And that’s my 2 cents.