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I prefer my rum a brownish orange personally.


Lost in Adaptation: The Shining

This ones goes out to Brian Cordie. To pre-empt the inevitable question; yes I'll do something for the mini series at some point.



Love this review, makes me want to watch the movie again. :) As a future Lost in Adaptation episode, I would suggest The Last Apprentice/Wardstone chronicles (book title) Seventh Son (movie title). I am not entirely sure what your standard on LiA episodes are, but I would be interested in hearing what you have to say about it.

Kim Huett

I've been giving Stephen King's books some thought of late and I've come to the conclusion that the reason they so often don't make good movies is a matter of emphasis. King has made it pretty clear that what interests him are the individuals/communities under threat rather than the threat itself. This means the threats featured in King's books are usually not as well thought out and developed as they might be (there are exceptions such as CARRIE and THE RUNNING MAN) but this doesn't matter so much in the books because they're focused on the individuals/community under threat. However this balance usually comes unstuck when a film studio decides to turn one of Kings books into a film because the studio wants a horror film without the emphasis on backstories and internal monologues. Of course when you strip away the real emphasis of these stories the underdeveloped threats are left to carry the film and they aren't up to the task. I suspect The Shining works better than most because Stanley Kubrick was clever enough as a director to understand that if the backstories and internal monologues of the book were largely removed then he had to add detail to the threat in order to make it convincing in cinematographic terms.


"OF COURSE!" *ahem* Sorry, I think you've earned it, anyway. As always, love the bits where you pop up with computer fx--especially at the beginning with the ax! I also really appreciate the honesty in admitting your own double standard and, just generally, the growth that you've demonstrated from video to video. You really are getting better with every one: the pacing of the reviews, the insights, the jokes, the level of sophistication are all climbing very steadily upwards. That's part of the reason I enjoy your stuff so much--it's wonderful to watch someone improve at their craft and develop as an artist. I feel really privileged both to watch it and to help support. Sorry, I know I'm always sort of soppy in my comments, but I just really wanted you to know how much we're all rooting for you. :)

David Perez

Another excellent episode! I really love this series, however, I was wondering if there are any movies out there that actually are better than the books in your opinion. Like great movies that come out of pretty crap books. Although Phillip K Dick is a highly beloved director, I really could not stand "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?". That being said, Blade Runner is a personal favorite. Are there any books that you feel follow this patter. Looking forward to the next episode. Thank you so much for what you do and keep up the great work! PS: As the Weeping Angels proved, the topiary(if done right) could have been quite terrifying!


Please don't apologise for your comments. They mean the world to me ^_^


Theres a few but I fear the biggest influence on me isn't if the film is actually better but if I saw it FIRST. I swear I'm like a duckling and its mother sometimes.... Anyways Blade Runner's probably inevitable eventually but is so different from the book I'm worried I'll just end up repeating the jokes I made in I robot.


You know for the longest time I got "Carrie" and "Annie" mixed up and thought Steven King had written a musical about a optimistic orphan.... As to your King theory it makes allot of sense. I wish more film makers would take a long hard look at the book their working on and think to themselves: "Is this good because its a good story or because its just really well written? Because if its the latter what the fuck am I even doing here?"

LS Greger

Thanks for the upload. You could another series called "Kubrick's Lost in Adaptation". I would be interested in seeing you tackle "Dr. Strangelove" or "Clockwork Orange". Unfortunately "2001" is not an adaptation though. Keep up the great work!