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Hey all. Apologies but I'm probably going to have to push the last Freed video to next month. Oddly enough an overseas funeral wasn't the ideal working environment I needed to get it finished. I should be able to do a book review or some such filler ep at some point in feb though.



Take your time, we understand!


Condolences! And no worries, good luck working away from your usual setup and great (meant sincerely)


I'm so sorry. I had a death in the family out of the country this month as well.


No worries dom. Sorry for your loas


Dude, take your time. I know Pateron is picky about video releases but your fans aren't. We want you to take care of you first.


Take your time dude! Life and family are very important.

Quinn Gallagher

Take all the time you need, and I'm sorry for your loss


Take your time! Unfortunately, death happens sorry for your loss


Do what you need to do. Take your time. We will be here when you get back. <3 <3 <3

Jack Castle

I’m Sorry that this happened. And doubly sorry it wasn’t Erika Leonard’s funeral you were attending. But in all seriousness take as long as you need, we are reasonable people who understand the need to mourn.


Please don't worry about us The Dom. We all want you to take all the time you need without worrying about us. Thank you for thinking of us even when you are experiencing a personal tragedy like this.

S. M. Pace

So sorry for your loss.


quite understandable. safe travels


I'm a bit behind but, sorry for your loss. I joke a bit saying we like to make you suffer with this 50 shades garbage, but I think it's safe to day all of us care more about you as a person than we care about getting our fix on you reviewing trash. Take your time. Take care of yourself and family. <3