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Hey guys, in a desperate attempt to delay having to read Fifty Shades Freed just a little longer I'm doing another Q&A.

It's just going to be written submissions this time so you don't need to worry about filming anything, just leave them in the comments here.

If anyone on the $10 tier or higher and would like to record some of the questions for me send me a DM.

Edit: Oh and some small ground rules:

Please try to keep it to one question each.

If the question is "Are you going to review X" the answer will always be "LiA episodes are chosen by $20 patrons" so they will probably be ignored.



do you have or had any pet


How much of a Patreon pledge to I have to make a month in order for you to LEAVE ME ALONE?!

Curtis Charles

Are you still doing the Dom reviews you series ?


Are there some things that still surprise you or confuse you about the USA now that you've lived in the US for awhile? If so, what?


What has been your most challenging and most rewarding LiA episode in 2018?


Hey when are you going to review the last 50 Shades book and movie? JK. Do you have any favorite manga or anime besides Deathnote? I sent you guys some RWBY notebooks.


What is your favorite LiA you have done so far?


another one cause I am greedy: what is one LiA episode that you love, but other people didn't (or not as much as you wanted them to/ was hoping they would) and what is your least favorite LiA episode that a lot of other people LOVED?


How would you treat a book that uses weird, postmodern techniques that can't be translated into film ? For example, books like American Psycho, Slaughterhouse-Five, and The Name of the Rose all contain elements and techniques that are either impossible to translate into film, or would make the film borderline unwatchable. Would that count against it adaptation-wise?


Where do you usually go for good book recommendations?


Of previous LiA's, which are you most proud of and which would you tell your past self to do differently? How would you tell that past self very briefly what to do differently? (Ignoring temporal mechanics)


What are your favorite genres of books and films? Also, what are your thoughts on certain genres being better in written form and others being better in visual form?

Gelli Elfson

I heard that because of Japanese copyright laws you can't make episodes with any Japanese content (not just Anime). Are there any other countries with strict copyright laws that we should be aware of when making requests?


What do you think is the Best and Worst after-released information Rowling has announced about the Harry Potter world?


If you could keep any animal, real or imagined, that you wanted what would it be?


Will we ever see videos on the rest of The Prisoner?

Jack Castle

Bellatrix lastrange, Anastasia steel, Catelyn Stark. Shag, marry, kill?


If he doesn't answer kill Anastasia Steel I'll be really surprised.


what is your favorite tv show

Paweł Kacprzyk

Was there any adapted movie You liked so much, that You were scared to read a book, cause it might be a terrible adaptation and sore the experience? (I know You usually try to read a book first, but I guess there are some films we all saw not knowing they were adapted)

Jenny Erdahl

What are your tattoos of? Care share them?


What do you miss most about living in England? What's your favorite new thing about living in LA?


He has already mentioned that no, as the videos were not as popular as regular LIA so he'd focus on LIA (which he gets requests for anyway)


Are there any places in England you recommend visiting (aside from London)? I’m planning on traveling there and would love suggestions!


Have you read the warrior cats series

Alyssa G

What is 2 things you wish US had that you did back in England? And if you could bring 2 things from the US that England doesn’t have what would they be?


Do you anticipate the creation/implementation of more original characters in the same vein as Terrance in the near future?


Why hasn't E. L. James been arrested? These books should be justified in her imprisonment for potentially inciting harm to people.


{Why are you a coward who daren't tackle FSF like a man [I would like to state for the record this was a joke]} what book/game etc would you personally like to see made into a movie and what would part of it would you most fear being butchered mid adaptation.


Question for Terrence. When you review things Harry Potter related, how much do you actually know from back in your Hogwarts days/the history books and how much is new to you? As in, I'd imagine Grindawald is a topic in wizarding history books? It's just I'd imagine you would know most of the Harry Potter stuff from your school days. Thanks. Keep up being the best Ravenclaw around :) EDIT: This is excluding Cursed Child, as I doubt even you could time travel that far into the future, no matter how amazing you are :)

Magpie's Nest Productions

Have you read any Australian books or seen any Australian movies ? If so which ones ?


How do you feel about death of the author?

Graeme Johnson

Would you ever consider reviewing/comparing the rest of the Fleming Bond books and their respective films. I've recently been listening to the audiobooks and while the ones I've finished are also plagued with overly descriptive sections and casual attitudes that aren't shared today (misogyny, racism, etc) they are all quite enjoyable, and some have interesting differences to the films that I would be interested to hear your opinions on.


would you consider doing a review of a VIDEOGAME adaption of a book? (Metro, Witcher, a non-official videogame adaption of "the name of the rose", etc.)

Graeme Johnson

I realise this is a "Are you going to review X" question, but while I would be happy to request them, I am aware it would be a big ask as there's roughly fifteen more Fleming Bond books that were adapted into films (Some more accurately than others *cough* Moonraker) and reviewing them all, or the major ones, would be a big undertaking

James Miller

What is your favorite kind of chocolate?


What's a book that had an absolutely awful adaptation/film that you think deserves a second chance that isn't currently in the works already?


Other then 50 Shades, is there any book/movie series you wish you had not read/seen?


If you were suddenly a director and could only make one film, which had to be an adaptation of a book (whether that book has already been adapted or not), what would it be?


Have you read the other Alix Rider books? If not you should.


Random question, I know, but if you play open world games do you prefer when the main story is written to accept that you're going to fuck around with side stuff or do you prefer a more focused narrative?

Your Librarian

Are you going to do more The Dom Reviews You soon?


Is there any particular anime you like to watch/would recommend?


Which of the following adaptation youtubers do you prefer?:KrimsonRogue, Jaimetud, Matt the Band Geek, or KytanaFilms?

Twisted Wishes

Do you remember the moment when books became more then words on paper to you? As an example, when I was 7 my mother made me read The Indian in the Cupboard and it was the horse and cat scene (trying to avoid spoilers in case you haven't read it, and it does have a movie based on it so you may have to do a LiA on it someday). If you do remember the book and moment that affected you please describe it.

Gerda Strobl

Apart from $20 patrons, what criteria induce you to take on a specific LiA, or, say, to maybe do it sooner than suggested by the list you probably keep?

Matthew Foweraker

What traits of a written work do you think make it easier or harder to adapt? Is there any work you feel is ideal for adaption that hasn't been or that has elements that make adaptation impossible.


If you could redo any three adaptations to get a better adaptation, which three would you pick?


How many times do your sweet kitties interrupt your recording sessions? (estimations are acceptable) :)

E. P. Haury

At this point, how much reading are you able to do outside of LiA? [Name pronunciation guide: HOW-ree]


Hey Dom, much in the style of Into the Spider-Verse. Are there any adaptations you can think of that may have worked a lot better with a stylised animated approach rather than live action? Personally I like imagining an animated Harry Potter series in similar vein to the Netflix Castlevania/Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Will we ever get audio commentary for the Battle of Five Armies LiA?


I know you like the Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell. Have you also read his Uhtred saga / seen the show The Last Kingdom that is based on it?


Do you have a favourite and least favourite director?


Having recently started reading the Discworld books again, I got to wondering if you’d ever consider doing something Discworld related. Not a LiA nor even a review (they are all of them really good, so there is no need to repeat that 41 times) but perhaps a fairly comprehensive ”Beginners guide”. This is not really a request for an episode, I just really like to hear you talk Pratchett.


Pros and cons of living in the USA over living in UK.


Good evening, The Dom. My question regards your other personas, namely Reginald, Terrance and now, NegaTheDom: What's it like living with so many personas like that? How hectic is it, and all that jazz?


As a fellow dyslexic I've wondered how you read so many books so quickly. I know you use auto books but they still cause issues for many dyslexics. Do they not affect your type or have you adapted tools to help you work around the issues?


This *may* be a little off topic, but I'm so curious! If Terrance had to choose to live with a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff, which would he choose? Condolences if he's currently living with either. ;)


I know anime is currently off the tables, but what anime adaptions would you have like to have done LiAs for?