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The douchebag from Ravenclaw's take on the new Potterverse movie.

Sorry that early access is only a matter of hours on this one. I have to rush out eps on new releases (which is why I try to avoid them as much as possible).


Fantastic Beasts: The Confusing Crimes of Grindelwald - Terrence Reviews



Hmm do I watch this, before I watch the film? Or do I wait for this to come out on DVD and then get a copy from the library.


Overall While I did enjoy it I do acknowledge this film is a mixed bag which is a shame it should have been better than it was 😔


Mm. Grindlewalds followers must be some very Proud Boys, indeed.


The buildings looking wonky is something I have always taken as being a result of where they were built. Everything in Diagon Alley such as Gringots or places like 12 Grimauld Place were built in human cities, hence they were contorted with magic or otherwise built into the existing cityscape making for weird ass buildings. Hogworts is different because it is a thousand year old castle built in the middle of nowhere. They could make it using normal (magical) architecture. Alternatively, could be that hogwarts was built by humans and just "expropriated" by wizards, and the twisted style of buildings is a cultural feature of all types of wizard buildings and is just the style they prefer to live in.


The first three minutes or so talk about the press leading up to the film and some vague impressions. There’s a clear indication of when spoilers start. That said, definitely get a copy from your library. Consensus seems to be it’s not worth seeing in theaters.


I think with the gayness might be addressed in the next film


Disappointing review. While the film was flawed, many parts that were extremely well-crafted and the final part is one emotional punch after another. Grindewald was an amazing performance, Dumbledore was perfect. Unfortunately the bandwagon is that it is the worst thing ever and the internet does not do things in moderation, especially given the (well-deserved) controversy concerning Deep and the general hatred JKR gets these days (completely unfairly). I hoped Dom’s judgement could be better balanced, at least recognising the good parts. Why everyone says that it is complex? Maybe it was too long, but the plot is rather linear, especially compared to what JKR puts in her novels. Honestly, if you are tired of Rowling’s Harry Potter World, start reading her Cormoran Strike’s novels, they are the best things she has written in years.


But Terrence, it's impossible not to miss you

RabidDog008 - Royce Pentaghast

Kind of bummed out that Queenie left in the end, it didn't feel fully justified. Funny you mentioned that CSI spell Newt uses. For the past few years I've been writing a fantasy mystery radio drama and novel series and the lead character uses a spell that not only does similar but has an effect that's virtually identical to the spell used in the film. I've spent years writing and planning to set out all its rules and limitations, meanwhile this film plays so fast and loose with magic they can just do what they want, and people might say I ripped it off. (Edit Patreon wasn't loading properly so I accidentally commented on the wrong post, sorry D:)


Welp, I wasn't exactly excited to see this movie, despite loving Fantastic Beasts 1, and this review makes it clear that I shouldn't waste my money. Gosh that's really too bad. I wanted this series to be good.


Sounds like they DC'd it. Poor bastards. Poor, stupid bastards.