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Told you I was going to try to get through theses faster than usual ^__^


Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



YAY! More of The Dom!

Courtney Rayle

Hello, Dom! Bit of some constructive criticism for you. While I understand and do like, to some degree, the subdued voice, in this video you come across as very monotone and a bit un-emotive in places, despite your face and word choice pointing to otherwise. The overall effect made you sound disinterested and mumbling (for more than half the video), which doesn't really suit you. I don't know if it would help, but maybe pretend like you are talking to Calluna, since in the commentaries you two did for the Hobbit LiA videos, your voice was subdued, but had tons of inflections, emotions, and personality. I will admit to enjoying the subdued Dom a bit less than the more vocal Dom, but your personality, passion, and authority have bridged that gap considerably in the videos you have done since you began moderating your voice. This was the first video since that really felt off to me, and hopefully I did not come across as cruel or nit-picky, which was not my intent. I have and still will look forward to your excellent videos.


Counterpoint: If I didn’t know you were having throat problems I’d be a bit thrown by the vocal change, but instead you gave us a vid explaining what’s up. I think you’re doing quite well with expression using the narrower range you have available; I do worry a bit that it’s painful but you know your tolerance best. I’d much rather get to enjoy slightly-quieter The Dom videos than none at all because you effed your throat. Plus you can always rely on the Spock brows to help out with expression!


I can't wait to see this video! Not a fan of SP in general, but the video game was actually fun! It's so eerie to see Captain Marvel and America in this film, but it's still fun despite the dated lines. (Bi-furious... eeeh.)


Thank you Dom for this great content :)

Helen Dingo

I know this is late, and maybe people have mentioned this on YouTube, but for a promotion for the movie Adult Swim produced an animated adaptation of Scott's high school flashback from this volume called "Scott Pilgrim VS the Animation" it's pretty neat. Michael Cera and Allison Pill return as Scott and Kim in the short.