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Or at least it will be once its done processing. Bear with me.


(No title)



Everything goes tits up and a complex string of events begin.


That is quite a naked Hodor joke.

Courtney Rayle

So, I am about to voice an unpopular opinion: I tried to read the books and found them distasteful, and I tried to watch the show and found it meh. And now, for a much more popular statement: Honestly, your reviews of the Game of Thrones episodes are immensely more intriguing and fun to watch, and I look forward to them intently. Having said all that, I would like to request you go into a little more detail, at least concerning your own thoughts and theories on the show/books, so that the few others like me, who have no/little experience with this series, can get in on the loop. And, I'll admit, your style and structure and personality mean I would much rather get all that information from you rather than anyone else.


Ok does any one know where I can watch Game Of Thrones for free

E. P. Haury

So, when you do switch to Character-Centered A Dom of Ice & Fire episodes, are you going to combine Sansa and Jeyne Poole into one episode? Also, I can totally accept the existence of a legend of hibernating White Walkers, regardless of whether it’s true. There have been many false legends about real people throughout our actual history. As far as Westeros goes, I don’t remember enough to know if there was evidence of lesser returns of the Others before this great return. But there certainly were stories about their returning. The Night’s King’s blue-eyed corpse bride seems to be the story about active Others after the Long Night. Regardless of how much, if any, truth there is in that story, the people of Westeros could believe they returned every now and then. And they could have stories about what happened to them in between.


Sansa's chapters in the first two books were quite good. She has good chapters in the other books as well, but her perspective is pretty unique when she is first introduced as she is such a young and vulnerable character, trapped in her setting with no power to leave it. It makes the character and plot information she conveys flow together, and also ties the world building she provides into it, all in a way that seems natural. When she talks to another character it is not by her own choice, and her being distrought at having no agency at King's Landing or her hatred for the other people there or her feelings of longing toward her family members and her old life, all of her inner conflict and tormernt can be raised to complement any character interaction or plot dump she participates in. This dynamic changes as she leaves KL in the third book, which I suppose it had to to keep her pov from becoming stale as the story moved into a new phase.


I feel like the doctor-mandated softer voice actually works really well for ADOIAF, it's almost like listening to a much more chill audiobook


I never really liked Sansa mostly because she's introduced encouraging her girl posse to bully her little sister (but not doing it directly herself so as not to get her pretty little hands dirty), willfully refused to see what Joffrey and Cersei were until it was too late, and sold out her own father and forgot her little sister, all to get her own dream wedding. She SAW Joffrey terrorize Arya and Miccah for no reason, SAW Cersei order Lady killed in place of Nymeria for her own petty revenge, but lied to the adults that Arya started it to stay in Joffrey's good graces and then convinced herself the lie was true to blame Arya for Cersei killing Lady rather than blame Cersei or herself. She saw firsthand what Joffrey and Cersei were and willfully refused to believe it, even after her father sat her down and tried to tell her they were bad people. Then she told them her dad's secrets behind his back, which immediately got him arrested and planned for execution for treason, and she STILL REFUSED TO BELIEVE until they killed her father right in front of her. And then she had the gall to act SHOCKED that they were bad people, despite willfully ignoring all direct evidence to the contrary all book. "She's just 11!" So what? Arya was 9 and she had more sense and better judge of character than that. This isn't an age thing, this is a "Sansa as an individual is a willfully blind, horrible judge of character and colossal fuck up just like her mom (who keeps making the same mistakes and doesn't get any better later in the series)" thing.


She was DRUNK when Joffrey was bullying Arya and Micah. And she was pretty well gaslit by the world she lived in. These two things put together made for a really bad situation when Robert called her forward; she could risk alienating her sister, who already doesn't like her very much, or she can alienate the prince who is not only her fiancé, but her future king. There was no way she could have won