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Lost in Adaptation: I Robot

The lower case i in the film title... What could they POSSIBLY be doing there? Whores. To everyone who's ever complimented me on not being one of those critics that just rants and gets angry a lot, you'll have to forgive me for this one.



I was already aware that the movie was drastically different from the books, but I didn't realize just how much! Apparently I'm going to have to add this book(s) to my reading list. I've tended to avoid most robot based sci-fi for the same reason Asimov apparently wrote the series of shorts, it's really annoying to have every sci-fi with robots be a dystopia of how everything goes horribly wrong because of people's over reliance on technology. Because god forbid technology ever be a good thing. All technology is clearly evil. Medicine, buildings, tools, heating, air conditioning, and refrigerators don't count somehow. It is more difficult to write a story where people use technology for GOOD, but hell, that just means that all these stories where technology goes wrong are lazy :p